Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
02/09/2006 12:36 #24164
WP editorial on NASACategory: politics
02/01/2006 21:40 #24163
GodCategory: thoughts
Regarding the whole God/religion issue that has been discussed a lot here lately, here is an interesting piece on NPR that I heard a few months ago by Penn Jillette (the tall one in Penn and Teller) on his belief that there is no God.
It is interesting not in that it has some deep philosophical insight, but in how this belief that there is no God informs his approach to life.

01/30/2006 12:18 #24162
Someone's got to be drivin this carCategory: coincidence
The world is a crazy place.
Saturday I got three packages from amazon.com that were addressed to my apartment, but I had never heard of the person.
Not knowing what to do, I was going to take them back to the post office on my way to class and have them return them to sender. After I got on the shuttle to campus, a guy sitting behind me asked if I had gotten some packages for "John Smith." I said I had, and he said that he was John Smith and use to live in my apartment and had acidentally sent them to his old address. I checked his ID to be sure and then gave him the packages.
Seriously, what are the odds that he would be riding the same shuttle as me when I was going to return his packages.
It reminds me of another crazy coincidence when I went to a Latter Day Saints Church. I thought I had posted about it but it looks like I hadn't, so maybe I will post about it some time soon.
Seriously, how can there not be someone/thing controlling this show
P.S. so much for my regular posting. That lasted all of one day
Saturday I got three packages from amazon.com that were addressed to my apartment, but I had never heard of the person.
Not knowing what to do, I was going to take them back to the post office on my way to class and have them return them to sender. After I got on the shuttle to campus, a guy sitting behind me asked if I had gotten some packages for "John Smith." I said I had, and he said that he was John Smith and use to live in my apartment and had acidentally sent them to his old address. I checked his ID to be sure and then gave him the packages.
Seriously, what are the odds that he would be riding the same shuttle as me when I was going to return his packages.
It reminds me of another crazy coincidence when I went to a Latter Day Saints Church. I thought I had posted about it but it looks like I hadn't, so maybe I will post about it some time soon.
Seriously, how can there not be someone/thing controlling this show
P.S. so much for my regular posting. That lasted all of one day
01/23/2006 22:53 #24161
Getting OrganizedCategory: school
I am back at Maxwell and have just completed a full week of school. This semester will be good in that I am taking three classes that I am actually interested in, State and Local Finance, Metropolitan Politics, and Urban Policy, and I don't have a single test. The bad part about this semester is that I am taking five courses and as none of them have tests, it means I get the pleasure of writing papers. Getting back into writing papers will be annoying as I didn't write anything over 4 pages all last semester (the joy of being in an MPA program is that they are preparing you for a job, so you just write lots of memos instead of long papers). Also, last semester I only had 4 courses, now I have 5, but I don't have an internship anymore.
As I do at the beginning of ever ysemester, I have to start getting organized, and this time I am trying to do it right off the bat rather than later because with the writing I will have to do, I won't have time to jerk off for the first few weeks (in previous semesters, I had done jack shit for the first month or so as evidenced by the fact that my last two internships started more than a month into the semester). I am trying to firm up a good routine, especially with my sleep cycle. Part of this routine will try and include a nightly posting of 15mins on (e:strip) to better keep track of my life. This semester, two days I have 8:00 classes and two days I have 12:45 classes. Hopefully I will wake up at the same time each day and exercise or something else that is good for myself. I am not there yet but I should be soon. OK, my 15 mins is almost up. I'll see you tomorrow.
P.S. My hair is all now gone courtesy of (e:maureen)'s beauty salon and I now have a beard courtesy of my mother's genes. I'll post the pics (e:maureen) took soon.
As I do at the beginning of ever ysemester, I have to start getting organized, and this time I am trying to do it right off the bat rather than later because with the writing I will have to do, I won't have time to jerk off for the first few weeks (in previous semesters, I had done jack shit for the first month or so as evidenced by the fact that my last two internships started more than a month into the semester). I am trying to firm up a good routine, especially with my sleep cycle. Part of this routine will try and include a nightly posting of 15mins on (e:strip) to better keep track of my life. This semester, two days I have 8:00 classes and two days I have 12:45 classes. Hopefully I will wake up at the same time each day and exercise or something else that is good for myself. I am not there yet but I should be soon. OK, my 15 mins is almost up. I'll see you tomorrow.
P.S. My hair is all now gone courtesy of (e:maureen)'s beauty salon and I now have a beard courtesy of my mother's genes. I'll post the pics (e:maureen) took soon.
12/19/2005 12:31 #24160
Back in the -loCategory: estrip
It has been a while since I've posted. The last few weeks of classes were a bit rough but I am done now and enjoying doing as little as possible in the B-lo
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the party on Saturday night. Thanks (e:PMT) for throwing the party. Happy bday (e:hodown), I hope you had a good night, and it was nice meeting and hanging out with all the (e:peeps).
Also, I found out that one of my friends from the year I went to Starpoint died. I was just flipping through the news and happened to be reading the obits and there was one for him there.
He died the other day in a car crash cause of the weather. I haven't spoken to him since 9th grade. It is weird when I find things like that in the news because I rarely read the obits and just happened to be flipping through.
Well that is all.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself at the party on Saturday night. Thanks (e:PMT) for throwing the party. Happy bday (e:hodown), I hope you had a good night, and it was nice meeting and hanging out with all the (e:peeps).
Also, I found out that one of my friends from the year I went to Starpoint died. I was just flipping through the news and happened to be reading the obits and there was one for him there.

Well that is all.
ladycroft - 12/19/05 23:12
It was nice to meet you!
I suppose you were meant to find this information in the newspaper. Life has a way of letting us know things, call it instict or random chance.
It was nice to meet you!
I suppose you were meant to find this information in the newspaper. Life has a way of letting us know things, call it instict or random chance.
I've always like Penn and Teller.
Nice link, Jesse.
I have no problem with anybody who believes in God (or Goddess or FSM); I only have a problem with them trying to force me to conform to some of their beliefs. And if their beliefs are contrary to basic human rights (equality, freedom from persecution, etc.) then those beliefs are wrong.
I'm not saying everyone else is wrong - only that I am 100% correct. =P Just joking. Thanks for the link Jesse.
Great essay! I love the way he focuses on what not believing in God does for him instead of focusing on how believing in God is wrong. I'm so sick of people spending all their energy pointing out how wrong everyone else is. Tell me what makes your life positive. I can learn from that.
Thanks for sharing. I was intigued by what I read; not because it supports what I believe or do not believe.. but that I am curious about everything so I simply read and research whatever I can.
I kinda get what he is saying: that he is living (and reflecting on) his own expecations and standards of life. Oddly, it made me think of a book that I am reading, "What God Wants" by Neale Donald Walsch. He is part of a grassroots movement to form a new spirituality. Very interesting read so far, not what the title suggests at all. Some people would not be able to fathom the ideas (and truths?) this book suggests. But yeh, there are some parallels between the info in the book and what Penn is talking about in his essay.