In the article Bob Barr says, "Are we losing our lodestar, which is the Bill of Rights? Are we in danger of putting allegiance to party ahead of allegiance to principle?"
I am so glad he is calling out conservatives on this. I saw soooo many people in DC (republicans and democrats) just blindly tow the party line without thinking for themselves about whether it is actually in line with their beliefs. If it is in line, fine, you can believe what you want to believe. But at least think about it.
At the conservative conference that he said this, Barr got the following response, "But nobody said anything in the deathly quiet audience. Barr merited only polite applause when he finished, and one man, Richard Sorcinelli, booed him loudly. 'I can't believe I'm in a conservative hall listening to him say [Bush] is off course trying to defend the United States,' Sorcinelli fumed"
If Bush isn't being conservative (which I believe he isn't, the party of individual rights - B fucking S), then he should be called out on it. Just cause he comes from the same party does not automatically mean you should support everything he does.
Read the article for yourself, "Bob Barr, Bain of the Right?"

Great example of a phenomenon I see running rampant in the US. It's so easy to point out where the "other" side is wrong, but should that absolve you from deciding if "your" side is right?
This is the kind of logic I see applied all the time -
"'God' told the preacher abortion is a sin. Therefore I'm against abortion."
"The right-wing conservatives are against stem-cell research because they're against abortion. I'm pro-choice, therefore I'm for stem cell research."
How are they different?
And it goes on and on...
Here's a great case in point :::link:::
Somehow, "GLBT friendly" = ""not allowing any heterosexuals into the guild simply because of their sexual orientation"? I don't think so. When did being inclusive of minorities equate to excluding the "majority" (whatever that means)?
Crap. I thought I knew when to shut-up about this.
"at a charity event a decade earlier, he (Barr) licked whipped cream from the chests of two women."
PS: I agree with Barr and with you (I had posted a link to an op-ed by him recently).