Howdy all,
Today is my two year anniversary on (e:strip). It is crazy to look back and think of all the stuff that has happened to me during that time. And if I feel motivated enough, I don't even have to think I can just read all the crap I posted (though I do regret not posting more regularily to have a better record of what I have done). It is also interesting to see who were the regular posters then and who they are now. Looking at the "Latest 12" list I only see two who were around when I first started (e:paul) and (e:southernyankee). ((e:metalpeter) signed up a few days after me). Well, no use getting sentimental, I will have plenty of time to do that in the next month as I will both graduate from grad school and get a real job as well as go to my sister's graduation from 8th grade, which will be the first time since I started kindergarten (18 years ago) that myself or one of my siblings was not at the small (my class had 21 people) christian school that I went to for K-8 (Covenant Academy in Tonawanda). Anyways, thanks (e:paul) for the site.
Onward. I hope all is well with everyone. Yesterday I drove to albany to sign the lease for my apartment. It seems to be a nice apartment, decent size rooms, right on Washington Park and a 15 minute walk to work. I will be living with another person in my MPA program. It should be good, and if anyone is in the albany area, feel free to look me up.
That is all for now. Bye
Jessbob's Journal
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06/01/2006 10:40 #24174
2 YearsCategory: estrip
05/29/2006 09:56 #24173
What's my motherfuckin nameCategory: school
My roomate moved out yesterday, so I have the apartment to myself again, which is nice. We didn't really talk so the companionship really won't be missed. A good representation of our relationship is a story about when he first moved in. I had introduced myself to him when he first moved in, but after that we really didn't say much to each other.
Then a couple of weeks into the semester I had gotten a note from the postal service on the door saying that they tried to deliver a package and it had my first initial and last name on it. I came inside and my roommate was there. He asked me if I had seen the package slip. I said I had. He then asked me what my name was. I assumed he was looking for me to say how to pronounce my my last name because that is what was writen on the package slip and it is an oddly spelled polish name complete with the "cz" combination. So I replied, "It's (last name)" He said, "Your name is (last name)? People call you (last name)?" I said, "No, my name is Jesse (last name). People call me Jesse." He responded, "Oh, okay, I don't know if we ever introduced ourselves."
Who lives with someone for two weeks and has no idea what their roommate's name is? His name is Anthony and yes, I did know it when he asked me what my name is. So, he is gone and I have no contact information for him so I hope he wasn't planning on getting anything important. I also hope that I won't ever have to list all the people I have lived with and their contact information cause I would have no idea how to get in touch with him.
Well, that is all. Hope everyone has a good memorial day.
Then a couple of weeks into the semester I had gotten a note from the postal service on the door saying that they tried to deliver a package and it had my first initial and last name on it. I came inside and my roommate was there. He asked me if I had seen the package slip. I said I had. He then asked me what my name was. I assumed he was looking for me to say how to pronounce my my last name because that is what was writen on the package slip and it is an oddly spelled polish name complete with the "cz" combination. So I replied, "It's (last name)" He said, "Your name is (last name)? People call you (last name)?" I said, "No, my name is Jesse (last name). People call me Jesse." He responded, "Oh, okay, I don't know if we ever introduced ourselves."
Who lives with someone for two weeks and has no idea what their roommate's name is? His name is Anthony and yes, I did know it when he asked me what my name is. So, he is gone and I have no contact information for him so I hope he wasn't planning on getting anything important. I also hope that I won't ever have to list all the people I have lived with and their contact information cause I would have no idea how to get in touch with him.
Well, that is all. Hope everyone has a good memorial day.
05/27/2006 08:20 #24172
Beef and Bathroom GraffitiCategory: politics
I was listening to NPR Thursday, and I heard president bush talking about the proposed pipeline to supply Iranian gas to India and I couldn't believe the phraseology our president used:
"Our beef with Iran is not the pipeline, our beef with Iran is in fact they want to develop a nuclear weapon and I believe a nuclear weapon in the hands of the Iranians will be very dangerous for all of us," said Mr Bush.
Yes, you heard correctly, the President used the term "beef" to describe our disagreements with Iran. That is pretty freakin awesome. I am just surprised I haven't seen any shows or blogs pick up on it.
Also, on to other odd political items. There is a bathroom stall in my school with a bunch of political graffiti in it. It has everything from quick "Bush sucks" to long diatribes about socialism (My school is full of poli sci, public administration, international relations, economics, etc majors).
Someone saw all this political graffiti and responded "What happened to graffiti about bjs in bathroom stalls?"
To which the response written: "The market was flooded with bjs"
That is so nerdy and so hilarious.
I will now apoligize to nonnerds who read through my entire entry and did not find those amusing. Hope all is well with everyone. Stressful here. 5 weeks to graduation. Bye
"Our beef with Iran is not the pipeline, our beef with Iran is in fact they want to develop a nuclear weapon and I believe a nuclear weapon in the hands of the Iranians will be very dangerous for all of us," said Mr Bush.

Yes, you heard correctly, the President used the term "beef" to describe our disagreements with Iran. That is pretty freakin awesome. I am just surprised I haven't seen any shows or blogs pick up on it.
Also, on to other odd political items. There is a bathroom stall in my school with a bunch of political graffiti in it. It has everything from quick "Bush sucks" to long diatribes about socialism (My school is full of poli sci, public administration, international relations, economics, etc majors).
Someone saw all this political graffiti and responded "What happened to graffiti about bjs in bathroom stalls?"
To which the response written: "The market was flooded with bjs"
That is so nerdy and so hilarious.
I will now apoligize to nonnerds who read through my entire entry and did not find those amusing. Hope all is well with everyone. Stressful here. 5 weeks to graduation. Bye
04/27/2006 20:17 #24171
Happy Birthday MaureenHappy Birthday (e:maureen)!!! hope you have a great day
maureen - 04/28/06 00:14
Thanks for the B-day wishes and the Freudian Slippers. Such a good gift, you know me (and my bad sense of humor) well!
Thanks for the B-day wishes and the Freudian Slippers. Such a good gift, you know me (and my bad sense of humor) well!
04/22/2006 13:43 #24170
DishesCategory: classy
You know it is time to do dishes when you drink your morning oj out of a bowl because you ran out of cups
Happy Anniversary! It's interesting to see how the site & people have changed since the beginning.
Happy (e:anniversary).
Oh, Albany! I'm a native of Troy and my parents still live out there. Have you spent much time over there? I have all kinds of recommendations of places you ought to go, if you haven't. :) My parents also have been on a project for the last couple years to eat at all the good non-chain restaurants in the area, so if you're ever looking for someplace to eat besides Ruby Tuesday's, they've got all the knowledge.
I will leave you with a plug for the Troy Farmer's Market, which is awesome, cheap, good, and takes place every Saturday morning down on River Street by the Troy Brew Pub. (There's a big empty lot down there, just a bit north of the Green Island Bridge, where they set up tents and stuff.) Every week year-round, although they move indoors in the winter. All the cool kids shop there. My parents are members of the Denison Farm.