The missing of SQB's journal being stated, I completely understand and support (e:paul)'s decision to require terms of service. He needs to protect his ass and the site. There is so much for him to lose if we screw up, all for providing a service to the community that costs HIM money. I want to thank you for the site paul, and I plan on being a part of it as long as it exists.
Jessbob's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/27/2004 08:12 #24095
T-O-S T-R-O-U-B-L-E09/26/2004 18:54 #24094
SQBI'll miss your journals SQB. :( I hope you reconsider. If not, take care of yourself and maybe our paths will cross in the future.
09/25/2004 01:29 #24093
AhemI would like to dedicate this post to certain people who have not posted in a while *looking at you jillian. How in the world am I supposed to stalk you if you do not update? Speaking of which, I have IMed you twice in the past week to no response. I don't hold that against you as I assume it is your parents online. Good thing I didn't say anything inappropriate, well, THAT inappropriate.
On to other things. I am really enjoying some of the new banners.
That is quite the rant (e:maureen) . I totally understand and agree with you. Try not to let their ignorance get you down. It is their problem not yours.
Hmmm. I came back from a party in my building today to my roommates parents in the apartment. I am so socially awkward and hate small talk, so I am hiding in my room right now. That is kind of rude I guess. I just really hate being forced to chat about nothing with people that I kind of know.
Hmmmm. Hopefully I can be productive this weekend. I have to go check my voice mail to see if my cousin called when I was out. He was supposed to call me so we could meet up tomorrow, while he is in town. I would've waited for the call, but I did that last week and he didn't call until 8 hours after he said he would. This forced me to miss a meeting that I had to be at. Its not that I would mind skipping the meeting if I got to see him, but skipping the meeting just to wait for a call that never came ticked me off. Oh well. Hopefully he called and we can do something tomorrow. Talk to you all later.
On to other things. I am really enjoying some of the new banners.
That is quite the rant (e:maureen) . I totally understand and agree with you. Try not to let their ignorance get you down. It is their problem not yours.
Hmmm. I came back from a party in my building today to my roommates parents in the apartment. I am so socially awkward and hate small talk, so I am hiding in my room right now. That is kind of rude I guess. I just really hate being forced to chat about nothing with people that I kind of know.
Hmmmm. Hopefully I can be productive this weekend. I have to go check my voice mail to see if my cousin called when I was out. He was supposed to call me so we could meet up tomorrow, while he is in town. I would've waited for the call, but I did that last week and he didn't call until 8 hours after he said he would. This forced me to miss a meeting that I had to be at. Its not that I would mind skipping the meeting if I got to see him, but skipping the meeting just to wait for a call that never came ticked me off. Oh well. Hopefully he called and we can do something tomorrow. Talk to you all later.
09/23/2004 21:25 #24092
That is such an interesting version of the song. Very unnerving. I saw them back in May at the Patriot Center. It was a good show, though I have to admit, I went to see James Iha more than APC. I miss the Smashing Pumpkins and will take what I can get.

the image was stolen from Infinite Pics
all the Smashing Pumpkins Pics you could ever need.
That is such an interesting version of the song. Very unnerving. I saw them back in May at the Patriot Center. It was a good show, though I have to admit, I went to see James Iha more than APC. I miss the Smashing Pumpkins and will take what I can get.

the image was stolen from Infinite Pics

09/24/2004 12:55 #24091
Trading BS for Votes[inlink]terry,319[/inlink]
Though this does sound scary, it is all just grandstanding. If the Supreme Court wants to hear a case, it will hear a case and there is nothing short of a constitutional amendment that will stop them. Laws such as these are to allow legislators to go back to their districts, say they did something to fight these great social ills, and then blame the courts when they say it is bs. Congress knows full well this doesn't mean anything other than something to tell the consituents.
Though this does sound scary, it is all just grandstanding. If the Supreme Court wants to hear a case, it will hear a case and there is nothing short of a constitutional amendment that will stop them. Laws such as these are to allow legislators to go back to their districts, say they did something to fight these great social ills, and then blame the courts when they say it is bs. Congress knows full well this doesn't mean anything other than something to tell the consituents.