Though they are trying to give an appearance of fairness, I believe the news is biased. Just go to the signers of the petition and see how many reporters signed their name. I am not saying that it is a good or bad thing. Some of the best and most important news reporting was done by muckrakers with an agenda. It is just important that we are aware of the fact the media is biased.
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09/20/2004 16:09 #24090
News Bias09/17/2004 02:50 #24089
PetitionBecause I am bored and a big loser, I read through all the signatures on the petition and their are quite a few recognizable names including many reporters both for the News and TV as well as Kevin Gaughn-regionalism activist. I know there is no way to verify that these are actually them, but interesting none the less
09/17/2004 02:12 #24088
ArrrrrgggghhhhhWhy are there no fucking happy mediums with me!!!!!!!!!!
09/16/2004 21:36 #24087
ProtestsHey Everyone,
My sister is doing a project for her photography class on photojournalism, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any protest/marches/rallies etc scheduled in the Buffalo area that she could go to and document. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
My sister is doing a project for her photography class on photojournalism, and I was wondering if anyone knew of any protest/marches/rallies etc scheduled in the Buffalo area that she could go to and document. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
09/16/2004 13:28 #24086
Who's Running AmericaHey all. I'm in the computer lab right now killing time between classes. I just read an article about policy subsystems and their role in the formation of some of the most important policies in the country and noone really pays attention to them. It was a really good article. I had to read it for my Political and Organizational Leadership class. It has been a really good class so far. It is just the type of stuff I want to study - how the government actually functions etc. I also have to do another reading for this class today from the book "Who's Running America: The Bush Restoration" by David Rusk
. I highly reccomend reading this book if you even want to know who has the REAL power in America. It is actually the latest in a series of books that goes back to the Carter Administration. With each presidential administration, Rusk writes a new book about who the elites in society are, from business, to government, to special interest, to nonprofits etc. He looks at where they come from, how they got there etc. It is really interesting to see who controls the power and how they got to control it. He takes a fairly positive approach in his research and looks at who has the power by breaking each grouping (government, business) by the most powerful actors in each - the department heads, CEOs, CFOs and they shows where they came from. He does not make value judgements as to whether it is good that they all come from the same few schools etc, he lets you draw your own conclusions. I cannot strees how important it is to know who these people are. They are the ones that control America and making the decisions that affect everyone. But anyway, I already read the chapter, I just have to go to the book store and look over it again as I have a quiz on it but I still don't have the book and neither does the library.