Today has been another lazy day that I should be more productive in. Yesterday I never got around to studying for the GREs. I'm easily sidetracked. This morning was pretty good. I got up late, but I did go to the gym, which always makes me feel like I accomplished something. I have yet to do actual work. I have to type up the notes from my meeting with my leadership people (was supposed to do that last night). The meeting went well yesterday though. We are all on the same page as what the goals of our little group are. We will meet again this friday to come up with a timeline. I should study for the GRE's too. I don't really have much actual homework to do. Just extracurricular work. Tonight I have a Leadership Steering Committee meeting to go to as well as a University Budget Review Committee meeting. Hmmm. I guess this post was pretty boring. I don't know. I guess I just don't have too much to say. The day is going pretty well - just got to get productive.
That is all for now. I hope you all enjoy the new user pic. It is of me and my heterolife partner/roommate Siv. I stole it from my friend MKs site of pics that she has take. If you want to see more of my beautiful face, pay it a visit.