So exciting all the new people. Welcome to the Estrip, and I hope you enjoy the site and post frequently.
I just met with my thesis advisor and it went well. He is from Buffalo originally, well the City of Tonawanda, and got his undergraduate degree from UB. He is really nice guy and it is great to talk to him because he is plugged in to buffalo politics as much if not more than I am. He was my professor for Metropolitan Politics and his specialties are race and urban government. He actually wrote a book about Buffalo called Desegregation in Boston and Buffalo: The Influence of Local Leaders

For the rest of the day, I have a meeting at one with some of my Leadership Program compatriots and I have to write a three page speech for Harry Truman endorsing either Kerry or Bush for President for my 5:30 class. I also want to study for the GRE's for 3 hours today. We'll see if that happens. I also had planned on exercising but extenuating circumstances stopped that. So my schedule isn't perfect but I am working on it. Oh well. Just got to keep trying. There is nothing else I can do.
That is all for now. Welcome again new Estrippers. Oh, and PS, the new bot is fun. Thanks (e:ajay) and/or (e:paul)