But first, a good thing.
Maybe this "be friends" and "don't throw myself at him" is a good move... We're talking again... had a lovely weekend... I'm still getting kind of mixed messages, but I'm trying not to obsess... And then this morning he asked me out for dinner. But I have plans, so I said no. But it made me happy nonetheless.
And a question for you peeps... Another guy asked me out for dinner... I wouldn't mind going, he seems like an ok guy, but considering the mess my head/heart have been lately, I think it would be leading him on to accept a date. I know some people can date lots of people at once, but I just can't. And I would feel guilty if I were just using him for dinner, if I knew that I didn't want it to go anywhere. So I told him that. I said that I don't like to lead people on or hurt people's feelings and that I just wanted to come right out and say that I'm not sure how "emotionally available" I am right now- but if he's ok with that and still wants dinner, I'd be happy to. And he responded by saying "no offense, but I thought it might be nice to just get to know each other before I get too concerend about how 'emotionally available' you are or aren't." Touche...
So what do you guys think? Was it too presumptuous of me to bother saying anything to him? I was just trying to be honest, which is all I ever hope people will do for me...
Ok, but now to bitching...
So as you may or may not know, I am in the 4th year (of 5) of my general surgery residency. I am applying for a Plastic Surgery fellowship to follow this, which is another 2-3 years. Plastics has gotten super-competitive, and I'm not sure I have a chance in hell. (which probably means I should stop procrastinating on my personal statement, eh? God I hate those things...)
But this application process, aside from being difficult and stressful, is so damn expensive!!! I just took the third and final part of the medical licensing exam (and passed- THANK GOD)- That was $650 for the test, plus a plane ticket. When I apply for the actual license, depending on the state that will be $200-700 more- per year. A DEA number costs hundreds... The application- $50 to "register" for the Match. $160 to have the American Board of Plastic Surgery "evaluate" my education/training to date and make sure it's adequate. Then the application itself- I fill it out and send it to a central office, who then photocopies it and mails it to the programs I choose. There are 65 programs. It's $25/program- as long as i get it in by 9/1. Plastics is so competitive that in order to give myself the best chances, I should just apply to all of them. That's $1625. Then, assuming I get any interviews, I need a suit or two, and plane tickets/hotels for all of them.
And my favorite- the FCVS (federal credentials verification service) is an office that keeps official copies of my transcripts, test scores, etc for when I apply for a license. The FCVS is a part of the FSMB (federation of state medical boards.) The FSMB is who you call for official copies of exam scores. The FCVS shares a building with the FSMB. But they still require you to pay a $50 fee to have the FSMB send them your test scores. I'm sure they have an intern walk down the hall and put it in a box. Woohoo! not only that- but I am paying $50 right now to send my scores out for my application. That $50 buys me two copies. I called FCVS to say "listen i'm sending my scores out anyway... can I just send you a copy?" They said no. They need to request it themselves. For another $50.
I know it's just money, but still..... This process is going to cost me THOUSANDS of dollars- and I'm not at all sure I'll even succeed! I make ok money, and I'm grateful for that... but I work my ass off, and I have almost $200K in loans to pay off. And I just saw a posting for a "medical supply technician"- that pays more than I make.
Sorry. I'm not really this materialistic. Like I said it's just money and I know I'm fortunate to be where I am... I'm just not looking forward to racking up $5K in credit card bills this year. :(
Ok, enough ranting....
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
08/16/2006 14:26 #23926
pissing and moaning08/13/2006 14:17 #23924
OW!I just got stung by a bee in my backyard! Little fucker!
Damn nature.
(and, I should have some puppy pix for you one of these days.)
Damn nature.
(and, I should have some puppy pix for you one of these days.)
mrmike - 08/13/06 22:37
That's what you get for going outside, getting sunshine, exposure to the elements and all that. Mother Nature has a serious axe to grind. I picked up a wasp wound either.
That's what you get for going outside, getting sunshine, exposure to the elements and all that. Mother Nature has a serious axe to grind. I picked up a wasp wound either.
metalpeter - 08/13/06 15:59
To bad you where stung. Generaly if you don't fear bees and don't agagite or bother them then they leave you alone. At least you were outside enjoying this great weather, it is really nice out.
To bad you where stung. Generaly if you don't fear bees and don't agagite or bother them then they leave you alone. At least you were outside enjoying this great weather, it is really nice out.
kookcity2000 - 08/13/06 15:46
did you put meat tenderizer on it?
I heard meat tenderizer works good on bee stings
did you put meat tenderizer on it?
I heard meat tenderizer works good on bee stings
08/07/2006 17:48 #23920
I have no idea what just happened...Category: zen
Ok, so I have no idea where it came from, or if it will last, but all of the sudden I had this zen-like epiphany. I think I always knew it, but I just stopped fighting it.
I can't force anything to happen.
And trying to will only make it worse.
Telling him off will only make it worse.
I am never going to get the answers I want.
All I can do is offer to be his friend. And not push.
And see what happens.
And somehow, I think I am ok with this.
I dunno peeps...
I might be cured.
Bring back the smiley face!!
I can't force anything to happen.
And trying to will only make it worse.
Telling him off will only make it worse.
I am never going to get the answers I want.
All I can do is offer to be his friend. And not push.
And see what happens.
And somehow, I think I am ok with this.
I dunno peeps...
I might be cured.
Bring back the smiley face!!
08/07/2006 09:41 #23919
sigh...Category: :(
Saturday morning I decided enough was enough. I made myself leave the house, and I went to the Farmer's Market on Bidwell.
I bought myself a nice big bunch of cheery, colorful flowers.
On the way home, I stopped and ate at the Falafel Bar.
All of the sudden I started crying over my Falafel.
This morning I just got home from work.
Walked in the door, and saw my bright, cheery flowers.
And started crying.
This has got to stop.
I bought myself a nice big bunch of cheery, colorful flowers.
On the way home, I stopped and ate at the Falafel Bar.
All of the sudden I started crying over my Falafel.
This morning I just got home from work.
Walked in the door, and saw my bright, cheery flowers.
And started crying.
This has got to stop.
kara - 08/07/06 12:39
I was at the market too - we should have tried for an impromptu (e:peeps) meet.
I was at the market too - we should have tried for an impromptu (e:peeps) meet.
ladycroft - 08/07/06 10:39
you also went over to (e:imk2)'s house with a bunch of fun loving peeps and had a great time splashing in the pool. don't trade all your good times for self-inflicted sorrow!
you also went over to (e:imk2)'s house with a bunch of fun loving peeps and had a great time splashing in the pool. don't trade all your good times for self-inflicted sorrow!
mrmike - 08/07/06 10:22
It will. Keep moving the misery can't keep up. When my wife and I busted up, I was losing it at stop signs.
It will. Keep moving the misery can't keep up. When my wife and I busted up, I was losing it at stop signs.
zobar - 08/07/06 10:18
'All of the sudden I started crying over my Falafel.'
I dunno ... I never thought their falafel was that bad.
- Z
'All of the sudden I started crying over my Falafel.'
I dunno ... I never thought their falafel was that bad.
- Z
08/05/2006 10:30 #23918
top secret!Category: music
Ok, I'm a little torn between keeping this secret, and sharing with all you lovely peeps. And I've decided- it's way too cool to keep secret.
Check it out-
It's music... worth it... I promise... I just don't want to make it too google-able.
Check it out-

It's music... worth it... I promise... I just don't want to make it too google-able.
mrmike - 08/05/06 14:18
Thanks, I've seen another portal to this before but it was a user without quite such a supply. This is awesome
Thanks, I've seen another portal to this before but it was a user without quite such a supply. This is awesome
kookcity2000 - 08/05/06 12:14
Jenks you always bring home the musical bacon
Jenks you always bring home the musical bacon
I agree with mike that it wasn't presumptious. You don't know if the guy is asking you out just looking for sex, as a friend. as a friendly date, or ferry formal and fancy date. Honesty is always the best. I know (not that I am) that if I asked you or someone out to dinner I would want to know about that. Not to mention it is a lot better to know that going into dinner as opposed to after wards. Hey can I call you again "Well I'm not really into you that way, let just be friends." That dreaded F word when you arn't ready for it or expect something else can be killer. What ever happens I wish you the best of luck with what looks like two friendships at least for now.
I don't think it was presumptious to tell dinner guy that. That just makes things level and understood. Don't let his response throw you. I'd say nothing with a nice dinner with that kind of honesty there. I had one last night with a woman and 3 hours of great talk (imagine) we came away friends with plans to do it again. Older I get, less plans I subscribe to, allows you to enjoy the experience of the now better because you're not sweating what might or could be (Hope that makes sense).