I am SO FUCKING SICK of being treated like shit and not respected/appreciated.
Are ALL boys (I refuse to call them men) assholes, or just the ones I date?
I'm really losing faith here.
Off to cry myself to sleep.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/13/2005 23:43 #23734
ugh ugh ugh ughCategory: men suck
12/13/2005 21:13 #23733

jenks - 12/15/05 01:43
It was at HSBC Arena. My first U2 show. And everything I'd heard about them putting on a great show is definitely true.
It was at HSBC Arena. My first U2 show. And everything I'd heard about them putting on a great show is definitely true.
codypomeray - 12/14/05 21:39
where is the show? i went to the one in madison sq garden in november. wasnt it a freakin awesome show
where is the show? i went to the one in madison sq garden in november. wasnt it a freakin awesome show
jenks - 12/13/05 21:41
The U2 show.
The U2 show.
paul - 12/13/05 21:36
Glad I could help you with the mobiel stuff .So what is it a picture of.
Glad I could help you with the mobiel stuff .So what is it a picture of.
joshua - 12/13/05 21:15
Nice work!
Nice work!
12/12/2005 23:02 #23732
Too cuteCategory: lurve
Ok, I'm sorry, I'm not usually this much of a sap, but-
Ok I retract that statement since it is a huge lie. I am definitely a sap.
But in any case, I couldn't not post this picture.
Is it just me or is this freaking adorable?
This was totally spontaneous and un-staged, as my sister and her brand-new husband walked out of the church.

Ok I retract that statement since it is a huge lie. I am definitely a sap.
But in any case, I couldn't not post this picture.
Is it just me or is this freaking adorable?
This was totally spontaneous and un-staged, as my sister and her brand-new husband walked out of the church.

12/12/2005 12:25 #23731
Pet peevesCategory: grr
I have plenty of silly pet peeves, as I imagine we all do.
Pardon me while I share two that get me steamed:
1: People who insist on taking the elevator DOWN ONE floor. Particularly when the stairs are nearby, and clearly marked. I don't really support taking the elevator UP one floor, but DOWN is inexcusable (for an able-bodied person. Note: "fat" does not mean you are not "able-bodied".) Sometimes I can't find the stairs, and I have to take the elevator one floor. I always feel guilty as I push that button, and mumble an apology. But once I was at work, trying to get the hell out after a loooong day, and was going from 10 to 1. The elevator was crowded, stopping on every floor, and generally irritating. Then some 350-pound bitch royale wedges herself into the crowd, and pushes the button to go down one floor. Some housekeeper friend of hers called her out, saying 'you did NOT just take the elevator down one floor!' and she responded "girl! They don't PAY me enough to take the stairs." I had no idea stair-walking merits extra wages.
And recently I was on the second floor, waiting for an elevator going up. And there was a guy there, practically leaning on the door to the stairs, waiting to go down. And he bitched about how long it was taking. So I kindly pointed out the stairs, and he said "oh I don't walk down stairs, I don't, you know, want to get assaulted." Right. He was a huge thuggish guy. I don't think anyone is going to assault him between the first and second floors of a children's hospital. Call me naive.
2: Jackasses that insist on backing into parking spaces, especially in a garage, especially when there is a line of cars waiting to park. I just don't get the point. Ok, so you can get out of work 0.5 seconds faster that way. But really... Is it THAT difficult and off-putting to have to back out of a parking space? I still think it takes less time to just back out like a normal person than to do this ridiculous ten-point-turn, shitty backing-in parking job, that is usually too close to a line, making the neighboring space unusable. Fine, sometimes in a parking lot there's no one on the other side and you can pull through so you can drive straight out. I don't have a problem with that. But i have seen some people so nuts about parking "face out" that they even do it at the grocery store. It's fun loading groceries into a car with the trunk facing in, don't you think?
Ok, so I'm a little cranky. I was supposed to be off work at 9am (started at 6am yesterday), but didn't get out til 11:45. And I witnessed both of these egregious transgressions in the process of trying to get the hell home.
And you know, I was going to apologize for offending anyone that may engage in these acts, but you know what? I do NOT apologize at all. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Time for some hot cocoa and tivo to let my blood pressure go down. ;) Have a good day, peeps!
Pardon me while I share two that get me steamed:
1: People who insist on taking the elevator DOWN ONE floor. Particularly when the stairs are nearby, and clearly marked. I don't really support taking the elevator UP one floor, but DOWN is inexcusable (for an able-bodied person. Note: "fat" does not mean you are not "able-bodied".) Sometimes I can't find the stairs, and I have to take the elevator one floor. I always feel guilty as I push that button, and mumble an apology. But once I was at work, trying to get the hell out after a loooong day, and was going from 10 to 1. The elevator was crowded, stopping on every floor, and generally irritating. Then some 350-pound bitch royale wedges herself into the crowd, and pushes the button to go down one floor. Some housekeeper friend of hers called her out, saying 'you did NOT just take the elevator down one floor!' and she responded "girl! They don't PAY me enough to take the stairs." I had no idea stair-walking merits extra wages.
And recently I was on the second floor, waiting for an elevator going up. And there was a guy there, practically leaning on the door to the stairs, waiting to go down. And he bitched about how long it was taking. So I kindly pointed out the stairs, and he said "oh I don't walk down stairs, I don't, you know, want to get assaulted." Right. He was a huge thuggish guy. I don't think anyone is going to assault him between the first and second floors of a children's hospital. Call me naive.
2: Jackasses that insist on backing into parking spaces, especially in a garage, especially when there is a line of cars waiting to park. I just don't get the point. Ok, so you can get out of work 0.5 seconds faster that way. But really... Is it THAT difficult and off-putting to have to back out of a parking space? I still think it takes less time to just back out like a normal person than to do this ridiculous ten-point-turn, shitty backing-in parking job, that is usually too close to a line, making the neighboring space unusable. Fine, sometimes in a parking lot there's no one on the other side and you can pull through so you can drive straight out. I don't have a problem with that. But i have seen some people so nuts about parking "face out" that they even do it at the grocery store. It's fun loading groceries into a car with the trunk facing in, don't you think?
Ok, so I'm a little cranky. I was supposed to be off work at 9am (started at 6am yesterday), but didn't get out til 11:45. And I witnessed both of these egregious transgressions in the process of trying to get the hell home.
And you know, I was going to apologize for offending anyone that may engage in these acts, but you know what? I do NOT apologize at all. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
Time for some hot cocoa and tivo to let my blood pressure go down. ;) Have a good day, peeps!
12/10/2005 23:35 #23730
hometown boysCategory: out
So once again my inability to say no to social opportunities and skills as a master procrastinator came out tonight...
I am working tomorrow. All my friends are going to the Bills/Pats game. I've never been to a game, I wish I could go. I console myself by knowing that at least I won't be freezing my ass off all day.
But so I was planning to have a nice quiet, early night tonight. Was all set to go get a christmas tree, then come home, make some mulled cider, play christmas carols and Get Festive, Dammit!
But first we had to eat something.
So we went to colter bay. Planned to wolf down a quick burger, then get to the serious work at hand.
But I saw a hummer limo parked outside- thought that might mean that the Santa Pub Crawl (including my ex) might be nearby. (I know they are out tonight.)
So we were eating at the bar, and this guy asks my friend where a good place is to go out. And I hear his accent and look over and see the Pats jersey, and have to ask where he's from. As I suspected, they were a bunch of good old RI boys in town for the game.
So we decided the tree can wait, and they bought us beers and sambuca and entertained us thoroughly for a few few hours. All the rhode island talk nearly made me homesick.
Fortunately my friend was there to keep me from going to frizzy's to say hi to the santas. My dignity thanks her. So will I when my alarm goes off in the AM, and I do not have a hangover.
So now it's off to bed.
Night everyone.
Enjoy your saturday night.
I am working tomorrow. All my friends are going to the Bills/Pats game. I've never been to a game, I wish I could go. I console myself by knowing that at least I won't be freezing my ass off all day.
But so I was planning to have a nice quiet, early night tonight. Was all set to go get a christmas tree, then come home, make some mulled cider, play christmas carols and Get Festive, Dammit!
But first we had to eat something.
So we went to colter bay. Planned to wolf down a quick burger, then get to the serious work at hand.
But I saw a hummer limo parked outside- thought that might mean that the Santa Pub Crawl (including my ex) might be nearby. (I know they are out tonight.)
So we were eating at the bar, and this guy asks my friend where a good place is to go out. And I hear his accent and look over and see the Pats jersey, and have to ask where he's from. As I suspected, they were a bunch of good old RI boys in town for the game.
So we decided the tree can wait, and they bought us beers and sambuca and entertained us thoroughly for a few few hours. All the rhode island talk nearly made me homesick.
Fortunately my friend was there to keep me from going to frizzy's to say hi to the santas. My dignity thanks her. So will I when my alarm goes off in the AM, and I do not have a hangover.
So now it's off to bed.
Night everyone.
Enjoy your saturday night.
At this point, a guy can finger me any way he wants....
(oh snap!)
thanks for the love everyone. (and yes jason is prob right, but the odds of bumping into a 30ish smart professional funny decent looking guy with values close to mine in Buffalo seem to be slim to none.)
Feeling a little better tonight, except that my coworker suckssuckssucks.
Jason says not to feel sad. Two people getting together and getting along perfectly seems to Jason to be accidental more than anything else. Bump into enough people and you will eventually find one you can deal with! Make sure he is Republican though.
Half the time its the girls fault, Ajay... the other half of the time its the honest girls like Jenks getting used and abused by jackasses. By the way, and I know that I'm not making any friends by saying this AND I"M NOT TALKING ABOUT YOU DEAR ONE, but alot of girls in Buffalo are full of shit.
My advice is to be more picky and demanding, Jenks, but not so much that guys will finger you as a <fill in derogatory term>.
you know it!!!
Ever since I left Buffalo, all I hear is doom and gloom from the ladies. What's up wit dat, yo?
Yeah, well, I need some proof.
I'm batting about .000 these days.
Now don't be letting some idiots ruin ALL of our reputations! :)