EHarmony Can Suck It
We have all seen the commercials............ Two lonely people........meeting over the internet......falling in love because of this AWESOME screening system these fucks use.....getting married.......and living happily ever after. could happen. I have seen these commercials too. What it really looks like to me is late 30'ish early 40'ish lonely woman, her mom is giving her shit because she has not produced any grand babies, living in his mom's basement.....tired of whacking off while mom is get the point.....
This site is totally bullshit. COULD two people meet on here and fall madly in love and live happily ever after? Sure they could...but I also so pretty woman, a hooker could fall in love with her john. Yeah, so they say they have this scary good personality screening software. Hey assholes.....I have news for you...people don't have to answer the questions honestly. No one is 100 percent honest in the beginning stages or meeting or getting to know someone anyways dipshits. I have news for you EHARMONY...I took that personality said I had feelings and shit....just ask all of my ex's....obviously this is a flawed system.
This entire site is about finding someone to get married to. If you are ONLY looking to get married you and your relationship is doomed. This kind of motivation leads to nothing positive in the long run and only sets you up for failure. I am tempted on making an EHARMONY profile that is completely ridiculous just to see what kind of desperation I get in return. You know something like......
"My name is Jason, I like long walks on the beach, talking until the sun comes up, cuddling and sexual asphyxiation. I like soft kisses, tender touches, and to be choked out to just before I lose consciousness. I am an active guy, I like to go hiking, running, working out, and chasing down hookers before they escape from that secret room under my house. I am a faithful mate who never cheats, although if you have a hot sister I would like to finger bang her from time to time. I just want to find a woman who understands and loves me for who I am, arrest record and all, and don't worry, the state of New York has made sure that I can no longer possess any firearms. That thing that happened in my last relationship won't happen again, my psychiatrist assures me I am "healthier". I like to spend time at home in the evenings instead of going out as my parole officer generally calls by 8 PM. Anyway... if this interests you and you want to marry me let me know. Thanks for stopping by..........."
Listen, I know this is over the top but you get the point...........
Ok so here are a few harmony "success pictures......

"We met for our first date and things went marvelously. From the beginning, there was a lot in common: we both had lived overseas for a period, love of grandchildren, music, sports and other things. The rest is history. We married on February 14, 2005 (yes, we are romantics) at a resort in Florida. Thanks eHarmony."
--Bob and Diane
Yeah, they had a lot in common, how about the fact that her uterus is shrivled and he has a limp member......awww true love......

"I really didn't think I would find the man I was looking for through eHarmony, but I found Sean and he is everything and more. We are alike on so many levels and our differences make us come together as one even more. Every day we spend together, our feelings keep growing more and more. eHarmony gave me a sense that the people here are looking for a committed relationship and no other website gave me that feeling. eHarmony matched me with Sean and I thank eHarmony for bringing us together."
--Stephanie and Sean
Yeah everyday your feelings keep growing more and does your dress size lady...good luck with your diabetes......

"Through eHarmony's guided communication process, we were able to get a really good sense of each other's personalities. When we met face to face, we felt like we already knew a lot about each other and the comfort level for both of us was very high. The structured introduction process that eHarmony uses allowed us to really find out about each other's important values and beliefs even before we went on our first date. Finally July 9, 2005, we started our life together as Husband and Wife. Thank you eHarmony for bringing us the love of our lives!"
--Steve and Maria
"Finally July 9, 2005, we started our life together as husband and wife. July 10, 2005 Maria got her green card." Aww how fucking romantic....
Ok...I guess I am not a hopeless romantic...oh well.......
I agree with the sentiment about looking around to find a warm body to drag to the alter, but I disagree with the overall assessment of e-harmony.
E-harmony matched me up with the most signficant relationship I had to this date (the most recent ex-girlfriend). I had signed up for one month of service at the suggestion of a friend and was going to cancel in one month if nothing happened. As it turned out, something did happen and within two weeks I met this one girl on E-harmony who I had already met at my college, although at the same time I didn't know the two were the same person.
It was uncanny how compatible we were on so many levels; it really felt like I dating an exact replica of myself. I think that there is probably a lot of validity in using solid psychological theory to create tests to find the best matches of potential couples (although I have heard that some respectable psychologists who agree with the idea of using personality tests in dating services say that E-hamrony's tests are wrong and outdated).
Alas, my relationship didn't work out because it ended up being a long-distance relationship when I left for Buffalo. And there were some issues with the ex-gf's family that a test probably couldn't catch that we couldn't get past.
But would do E-harmony again? I think so. I had some very good times in my relationship, and the money spent on the service was well worth it. Even if the ads for e-Harmony are quite very hokey and cliche.
I am actually not bitching about the site itself as a way to meet people. I have not used the site nor do I intend to. I meet enough people in my every day life. The point I was getting at is that Eharmony in general preys upon people (in general) who are desperate and will believe anything. Meeting people is not is trial and error and knowing yourself and what you want. I will say it again, if you date SPECIFICALLY trying to find a person to marry you are setting yourself up for failure.
Hey, you should actually post that ad and see if you get any responses. :)
Years ago my friend had the title "Peanut Butter and Paintbrushes" as a personal ad title and met someone awesome.
If you know that particular site is for people looking for marriage (as you, quite obviously, are not) then why not try another one? (adultfriendfinder, perhaps?)
Or hell, sit on your ass at home and bitch about people who have used that site to find what they were looking for...whatever floats your boat.
Could you be any less of an internet whore?
Are you cutting and posting these posts from another journal or something? (not complaining, just wondering how you wrote so much so fast).
I too am skeptical of eHarmony.