This one is for me.
I had a nice, long talk with
(e:Joshua) tonight. I aired out all my grief and talked to him about how life is going (in my eyes) and how I need to improve myself in a number of ways. I think you all may have noticed lately my posts have been erratic in tone, and I think that accurately reflects my erratic thinking as of late. Sometimes I am thoughtful, other times I am angry, other times I am hopelessly inconsolable. I told
(e:Joshua) that the simple fact is I don't feel passionate about anything right now - I'm searching for something that I feel gives my life meaning, structure, and purpose.
Work sure as shit is not filling that void, even though it should. No doubt, I am lucky for a young guy in Buffalo - I have a $50K job that employs the skills I've honed since college. I'm using my degree and my brain instead of laboring like my father and every one of my ancestors before him. I'm fucking up so bad at work right now. I should have been shit canned a long time ago but they need me and my skills very badly. It is a very uncomfortable and downright awful feeling to admit this to yourself, but the truth is the truth. Even though I know it is the wrong thing to have happen I have found myself wishing to get shit canned, so I can have at least 6 months to unwind, meditate, relax, think about what I really want to do with myself.
I am not functioning as a normal human being right now. Since I have this emptiness about me in general I cannot be motivated to do even the simplest of life tasks. This is not the way I'm supposed to function - I was born a talented, intelligent person bred from a family of workaholics. At birth I had the tools to become a very successful human being. I know I still have these things in me and I have to bring them out, ASAP, and start excelling in life. I need to start knocking their socks off at work and to start becoming a more organized and structured person. I have a great apartment and I have to make it clean and organized and inviting. I have to actually start doing laundry. I have to mail in my bills. But most of all I have to have this internal alarm that absolutely frightens me into making sure all of this shit gets done, and is of some importance.
Of course you all know I have this condition which I know has to take credit for many of the feelings and such that go on in my head and heart. I have come to the conclusion that it is absolutely necessary for me to have some kind of therapist. Looking back I never felt better in the last 6 months than when I had my scheduled meetings with my counselor in the previous program. I may not need it forever but it is going to be a necessity for now in order for me to have the proper perspective and frame of mind to attack life head-on. Frankly I have been letting this depression act itself out as an excuse for my life failings and would anyone disagree that it shouldn't be that way? Reality states that I can't afford to have it be that way, and that's just how it is. So I have an illness, that's fucking tough, people are all born with a different set of circumstances. I have to control it, not the other way around, and therapy, one on one open conversation with a professional is one way that I think will help me turn it all around.
Having that girl over the other night was nice but I know I can't have a girlfriend. I don't want a girlfriend, maybe just a nice, close pal that will give me a big hug every now and then. That would be fantastic, amazing, wonderful. I know that with everything else that's going on I'm way too self absorbed to give anything of myself to a woman. Never should I think that I need a girl in my life. The very mentioning of it is an absurdity. It would only take my focus away from where it should be. Even though there are so many beautiful girls I see all the time I have to forget about them and prioritize the other things.
This has been a struggle, a battle really, but I will not win without discipline and focus. I know I can do this, with a little shove. I have to win. I think now I know exactly what it is that needs to be done and I know I can execute the plan. I just need to fix my ignition! Please, I hope you all will keep me in your thoughts. Good vibes can't hurt either! Thanks for listening.
Jag heter Paul. Jag kommer fron den USA. Jag har en gammil bil. I took swedish for a year while in Germany and barely remember anything.
She is Very hot and Very Busty. She reminds me of the St. Pauly girl.