I'm pretty sure the chick in question digs my neighbor. Some guys have all the luck!
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06/07/2005 22:04 #23470
oh well06/07/2005 16:52 #23469
Who could say no to this face?
It's hard to say no to an adorable face like this one. How could I not be instantly liked? Having a baby face means you are easily liked and easily forgiven when you fuck up (heh heh).
Maybe if I gel up my hair and put on my nice clothes that would help too. I always hated when I would attract the wrong girls (diggers) wearing nice stuff but I might as well wear it. It's better than walking around looking like a poor bum like I usually do.
06/07/2005 12:01 #23468
Dating Part 2Yeah maybe I should just man up and ask her out. The worst thing that can happen is that she'll give me a no, and a no is a lot better than some of the responses I've gotten, lol.
See I think I might have blown it though. One day I was walking across the street from New World and she was standing there smiling at me. For all I know she could have just been trying to be friendly. Of course I did nothing, said nothing, just smiled back and walked home.
Another thing that's stopping me is the thought that if I do ask and she says no, when I walk by the restaurant she'll be saying, damn there is that creepy dude who tried to ask me out. I don't want to be the guy chicks are talking about that way. Often times there is very little mercy.
Fear of rejection?? Yeah I guess so. If I ever do ask her out my heart will be pumping a million bpm. Damn, I am really into this girl!
See I think I might have blown it though. One day I was walking across the street from New World and she was standing there smiling at me. For all I know she could have just been trying to be friendly. Of course I did nothing, said nothing, just smiled back and walked home.
Another thing that's stopping me is the thought that if I do ask and she says no, when I walk by the restaurant she'll be saying, damn there is that creepy dude who tried to ask me out. I don't want to be the guy chicks are talking about that way. Often times there is very little mercy.
Fear of rejection?? Yeah I guess so. If I ever do ask her out my heart will be pumping a million bpm. Damn, I am really into this girl!
06/06/2005 14:16 #23467
Dating(e:Hodown) - I'm really sorry about your situations. But at least you don't have to worry about approaching and facing rejection! For women it's easy - just be there, look delicious, and either say yes or no.
I'll let everyone in on a secret. I have a crush. I've had a crush on this girl in the hood for a long time. No, (e:Pageseven) you probably will not find out who it is! She works at a local restaurant. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I want to know her. Every time I think I should go say hello, I always think that I'm probably one of many guys waiting in line. She's really cute, nice from what I can tell and she has a beautiful smile. The problem is I really dig her and I've been brutally rejected enough where I'm scared to death to make a move. I am literally scared silent, not able to try my luck and maybe hang out with a cool girl. I don't think women appreciate enough how difficult it is to do. Somehow I have to make rejection fun.
I'll let everyone in on a secret. I have a crush. I've had a crush on this girl in the hood for a long time. No, (e:Pageseven) you probably will not find out who it is! She works at a local restaurant. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I want to know her. Every time I think I should go say hello, I always think that I'm probably one of many guys waiting in line. She's really cute, nice from what I can tell and she has a beautiful smile. The problem is I really dig her and I've been brutally rejected enough where I'm scared to death to make a move. I am literally scared silent, not able to try my luck and maybe hang out with a cool girl. I don't think women appreciate enough how difficult it is to do. Somehow I have to make rejection fun.
06/05/2005 17:37 #23466
LadycroftNo, I don't think that your list of requirements is too much. However, make sure that you offer exactly what you are asking for. I find that the more people put hard restraints on what they find is acceptable or not acceptable in a partner the more they find themselves alone. I bet the first guy who makes you feel loved and appreciated and sexy, your list will fall to pieces.
Hey all I want is a girl who won't stick her mouth on another man's dick. Apparently even that is asking too much given my experience. Men are throwaway items, exceptionally devalued except for what they have in their wallet. I don't put harsher requirements on women, I'm just more careful. And I have a lot more money to spend on myself and my friends as a result.
Hey all I want is a girl who won't stick her mouth on another man's dick. Apparently even that is asking too much given my experience. Men are throwaway items, exceptionally devalued except for what they have in their wallet. I don't put harsher requirements on women, I'm just more careful. And I have a lot more money to spend on myself and my friends as a result.