Word on the street has it (e:paul) and (e:matthew) were all up on the 700 block. I was right behind you guys when you left Spot! By the time I crossed the street you all were down the block. Oh well. I thought about sending (e:paul) an IM saying "Damn dude are you really like 6 foot 6?" just to mess with him. Maybe another time!
Jason's Journal
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06/08/2005 00:49 #23471
e:peep sighting?06/07/2005 22:04 #23470
oh wellI'm pretty sure the chick in question digs my neighbor. Some guys have all the luck!
06/07/2005 16:52 #23469
Who could say no to this face?
It's hard to say no to an adorable face like this one. How could I not be instantly liked? Having a baby face means you are easily liked and easily forgiven when you fuck up (heh heh).
Maybe if I gel up my hair and put on my nice clothes that would help too. I always hated when I would attract the wrong girls (diggers) wearing nice stuff but I might as well wear it. It's better than walking around looking like a poor bum like I usually do.
06/07/2005 12:01 #23468
Dating Part 2Yeah maybe I should just man up and ask her out. The worst thing that can happen is that she'll give me a no, and a no is a lot better than some of the responses I've gotten, lol.
See I think I might have blown it though. One day I was walking across the street from New World and she was standing there smiling at me. For all I know she could have just been trying to be friendly. Of course I did nothing, said nothing, just smiled back and walked home.
Another thing that's stopping me is the thought that if I do ask and she says no, when I walk by the restaurant she'll be saying, damn there is that creepy dude who tried to ask me out. I don't want to be the guy chicks are talking about that way. Often times there is very little mercy.
Fear of rejection?? Yeah I guess so. If I ever do ask her out my heart will be pumping a million bpm. Damn, I am really into this girl!
See I think I might have blown it though. One day I was walking across the street from New World and she was standing there smiling at me. For all I know she could have just been trying to be friendly. Of course I did nothing, said nothing, just smiled back and walked home.
Another thing that's stopping me is the thought that if I do ask and she says no, when I walk by the restaurant she'll be saying, damn there is that creepy dude who tried to ask me out. I don't want to be the guy chicks are talking about that way. Often times there is very little mercy.
Fear of rejection?? Yeah I guess so. If I ever do ask her out my heart will be pumping a million bpm. Damn, I am really into this girl!
06/06/2005 14:16 #23467
Dating(e:Hodown) - I'm really sorry about your situations. But at least you don't have to worry about approaching and facing rejection! For women it's easy - just be there, look delicious, and either say yes or no.
I'll let everyone in on a secret. I have a crush. I've had a crush on this girl in the hood for a long time. No, (e:Pageseven) you probably will not find out who it is! She works at a local restaurant. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I want to know her. Every time I think I should go say hello, I always think that I'm probably one of many guys waiting in line. She's really cute, nice from what I can tell and she has a beautiful smile. The problem is I really dig her and I've been brutally rejected enough where I'm scared to death to make a move. I am literally scared silent, not able to try my luck and maybe hang out with a cool girl. I don't think women appreciate enough how difficult it is to do. Somehow I have to make rejection fun.
I'll let everyone in on a secret. I have a crush. I've had a crush on this girl in the hood for a long time. No, (e:Pageseven) you probably will not find out who it is! She works at a local restaurant. I'm not sure what it is about her, but I want to know her. Every time I think I should go say hello, I always think that I'm probably one of many guys waiting in line. She's really cute, nice from what I can tell and she has a beautiful smile. The problem is I really dig her and I've been brutally rejected enough where I'm scared to death to make a move. I am literally scared silent, not able to try my luck and maybe hang out with a cool girl. I don't think women appreciate enough how difficult it is to do. Somehow I have to make rejection fun.