Imk2's Journal
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02/13/2006 20:55 #23026
Yummy for your Valentines tummy02/13/2006 00:52 #23025
uuuglyi decided that i am not only going to abstain from relationships for a loooong time, i am also dropping sex and masturbation. funny it's not a hard decision to make right now, as i am not even able to masturbate without wanting to cry as i orgasm! i don't know why, but it makes me want to sob myself to sleep. so i'm quitting them all together.
it feels like the break-up happened weeks ago, when it's only been one week. i saw pics of the ex at a party he attended this weekend and i am happy to report that he looked like absolute shit! he looks like he's been literally smokin crack! quite shocking. someone told me that he was miserable the most of the time and stayed to himself.
good, i hope that bastard drowns in his misery.
i want us to remain friends, he said. FUCK YOU! you can befriend my fucking vomit as i puke up the fucking bullshit that spews out of your fucking mouth, you foul, selfish, self absorbed fuck. YOU LOOK LIKE FUCKING SHIT, and it now matches to your fucking personality, you slimy cockroach!
and with that, goodnight.
it feels like the break-up happened weeks ago, when it's only been one week. i saw pics of the ex at a party he attended this weekend and i am happy to report that he looked like absolute shit! he looks like he's been literally smokin crack! quite shocking. someone told me that he was miserable the most of the time and stayed to himself.
good, i hope that bastard drowns in his misery.
i want us to remain friends, he said. FUCK YOU! you can befriend my fucking vomit as i puke up the fucking bullshit that spews out of your fucking mouth, you foul, selfish, self absorbed fuck. YOU LOOK LIKE FUCKING SHIT, and it now matches to your fucking personality, you slimy cockroach!
and with that, goodnight.
02/12/2006 01:23 #23024
drunk again!Um guys....
I'm drunk again!
Second night in a row....not like it's a problem or anything,...
I went to a polish dance with my parents and my stepsister. I got drunk with all the old, corny polish people. I am so lame....
But hey, beggers can't be choosers, I take what I can get.
Thank god for spell checker, cuz drunk + writing = shit
I lied, I didn't even use spell checker, too drunk to care.
I am a bitter woman, yes I am. And I think I will be for a looooong time.
I'm drunk again!
Second night in a row....not like it's a problem or anything,...
I went to a polish dance with my parents and my stepsister. I got drunk with all the old, corny polish people. I am so lame....
But hey, beggers can't be choosers, I take what I can get.
Thank god for spell checker, cuz drunk + writing = shit
I lied, I didn't even use spell checker, too drunk to care.
I am a bitter woman, yes I am. And I think I will be for a looooong time.
02/11/2006 02:41 #23023
i no feel so goodUm guys...., I don't feel so good.....
I think I'm gonna pukey.....
I'm a little drunk....
Um....about those pictures...?
awwwww fuck it, poste em all...
and fuck men! i hate them all!
well at least that one...
I think I'm gonna pukey.....
I'm a little drunk....
Um....about those pictures...?
awwwww fuck it, poste em all...
and fuck men! i hate them all!
well at least that one...
imk2 - 02/13/06 00:30
so glad you ladies too me out! thanks, i needed that. i had a blast with all of you!
so glad you ladies too me out! thanks, i needed that. i had a blast with all of you!
ladycroft - 02/11/06 11:37
p.s. just be glad i can't post all my videos!!!
p.s. just be glad i can't post all my videos!!!
ladycroft - 02/11/06 11:37
had a fab time, glad you came out!
had a fab time, glad you came out!
theecarey - 02/11/06 03:27
small world.. I know his big bro.. not very well, but we run in some of the same circles. Anyway..drunk is good, so glad you came out..and pictures will be posted soon! :)
small world.. I know his big bro.. not very well, but we run in some of the same circles. Anyway..drunk is good, so glad you came out..and pictures will be posted soon! :)
02/08/2006 23:02 #23022
ghost in the shellso i put up a sound for my profile. it's a piece from ghost in the shell. if there are any anime fans here, you might know it.
i think it sounds like a death march.
how appropriate.
i think it sounds like a death march.
how appropriate.
metalpeter - 02/11/06 12:17
I have seen both movies but never the TV series. I think I will try to play it.
I have seen both movies but never the TV series. I think I will try to play it.
Looks tasty.
can we change that to "screw on V-Day" ? ;)