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02/14/2006 18:30 #21392

MMM My Typing is green
Hello everyone. mmmm my typing is green,i think i am going to have to try and adjust this. Well lately all i have been doing is working for this deli, and trying to get interviews. tomorrow i have a second interview with AXA and i am really hopefull that it goes well. so i may be reporting a new position tomorrow!! this past weekend was pretty good. for all of my complaining seeing my ex girlfriend Kristen was actually really nice. We basically talked all evening. I mean there were times when i would break away and be part of the wackiness, but other than that my evening was spent with her, her old college roomie allison, and my roomate. we talked and aaron and I drank. Kristen told me about her son Dillon, and Alli asked what names were good for a boy, because she is pregnant. Seeing Kat, whose birthday it was , was also good because we had kind of lost touch. I think that will change. One funny things was how interested Kristen was in who i have been dating. I sure as hell wasnt asking about her husband. then the drive home the next day was rough because of the snow storm we got hit with. they have no idea how to plow this stuff of drive in it down here. though i must say, i do not really care for this weather anymore. i used to miss that about home, the cold nites and going from bar to bar shivering, then getting inside where it is warm and packed full of people yakking away, and washing the chill away with a molson or a labatts. I wanted to call and wish kerri a happy valentines day, it was a really important day in our relationship last year. but of course that was last year. the interview tomorrow is at 1130 then i have to do laundry, and a whole bunch of other fun things. though i think we have made an official decision to bring Thursday Nite Fun Club back from the dead. hang out in RVC. well i am going to sign off and make some dinner for myself. i hope you ladies have fun at jenks house if you go for wine and cheese. have some for me. If i were home i would have taken you all out. lol. Happy Valentine's Day all.

02/11/2006 06:00 #21391

country road take me home......
So its friday nite again. it feels as though i have been begininning with so a lot lately. well i had an interview this week with AXA financial and i am actually excited. i really would like the job, its a great opportunity. right now i am seriously intoxicated, so please do not mind any typos. met this really nice gal from toronoto who lives here now. it was good talking with some one from "home" cmon seriously, T.O is basically buffalo's big sister now. anyways. last nite i sang kareoke with kerri's lil sis. it was a wild and wolly nite. started off witha few innocent cocktails, and led to john denver and my ex's lil sis and i singing a duet. tonite (sat) i get to see another ex who is 26 and married to a 42 year old, they own 2 phsy rehap clinics, just built a million dollar house in syosset, and have a kid. i am unemployed, well delivering for a deli and on unemployment. surprisningly i am happy. there are times when i think what the fuck, but hey. i have great friends here. and i wouldnt' trade this for anything. well sometimes i wish i was home so i could hang out with all fo you awesome peeps. i am just going to bed now. gnite all. we are supposed to get socked with snow. 12 inches. yeah, its supposed to be a disaster. if they only knew what we get up home!!haha have a goood weekend
ladycroft - 02/11/06 11:39
are you a computery person? i heard an add for a NYC based web designer or something for itunes radio?

02/07/2006 20:09 #21390

I heart hallmark
Hey everyone i see we are all winding up, or cramping up when it comes to valentines day. now unfortunately i am of the sentimental, romantic persuasion. last year for valentine's day i cooked my exgirlfriend Kerri dinner. Made her favorite, chicken cordon blue, (she was amazed i remembered her liking chicken cordon blue as it was said in passing) salad, garlic potatoes, and a lemon zest vegitable of which my memory escapes me. the apartment was filled with candles, and there was a vase of flowers on the table, these were hers to take after the evening. I also made a fantastic playlist on itunes, of which we ended up dancing to 5 or 6 songs, after dinner. following the dancing, i broke out the Moet. I had never had Moet, and I will tell you, i now know why it is expensive. oh wow is it good. We danced some more and then retired to my room, which was aglow from all of the lavender candles and tea lights around the room. it was a perfect evening. and i can't lie. i will definatley think of that night this year. hoping that she does not have someone to have taken my place. what will i do that nite? i don't have the foggiest idea. to be honest, i don't want a valentine that is not her. i have been dating, going out with other girls to varying degrees. but i have no desire, there is not even a cheap lust that would be able to sustain a tawdry little affair. i do have to agree with joshua's guidelines for fun on the holiday. kudos to you, hopefully you can implement the game plan and go, go, go, not gonna stop till you cross that goal line (hahaha inspired by the great cinematic classic, Rudy) I do have the option of going to see Tom Jones in Manhattan. i believe my friends Brian and his girlfriend Megan are going to see him at Roseland maybe. Now Joshua, I guarantee there will be some horned up single women there. i might be able to implement your shock and awe tactics there. i would definately need a few drinks to take the edge of as they say. im sitting here watching the English Patient again for the 4 time in probably a week. to continue on with the mush fest, i believe that the reason stories like this appeal to people is because it gives us all that wonderful high from the euphoric little four letter word.....Hope. Well i guess depending on the circumstances, that word can do more harm then good. A smile is still a powerful thing, i got one saturday nite. sent my weekend into a tailspin. wrote something new tonite. ill post it later, i have some chinese food waiting.

02/03/2006 17:04 #21389

happy friday nite everyone
anyone here ever see A Box of Moonlight? John Turturo, and Sam Rockwell are in it. Funny movie. really funny movie. Bizzare, but definately funny. I'd like to join in the fun with dream comments. Lately I have been having some really vivid dreams, ones that are in great detail, and wake me from a sound sleep leaving me wondering what the hell just happened, if i am in trouble with the law, and just leaving me in a general state of anxiety upon waking up. none of the dreams are pleasant at all. the funny thing is i am not one to dream normally, or at least remember them. maybe its all the time i have on my hands. i mean i try to stay busy during the day, but there is only so much i can do. i read twisted's post on a book club, and think it is a col idea. of course the problem is keeping up with readings. i was invited into a book club with some friends in Astoria, Queens, but i never made a meeting, or even purchased one of the books to be read. i wanted to, just never got around to it.

02/03/2006 12:41 #21388

yakkety yakkety yakkety
Watched the english patient last nite. i really love that movie. i know it is long, and some peole think very boring/sappy, but it is really a great movie. makes me long for a time passed. sometimes i feel as if am living in the wrong time. or that i feel a desire to travel the world when it was a bit slower, a bit more innocent. Like what you see in movies. Casablanca, indiana jones. i know it sounds like i am probably off kilter, but there is a romance to it maybe. America was a different place then. I would have loved to see NY City immediately following WW II. last nite before watching the movie i loaded all of my writing that i had on 3/4 inch disks in to my laptop. I have decided that i am going to make an effort to publish my own little chap book. this blog that i go to written by jami attenberg ( well she has published a few books, two of which being self published short stories, called instant love and instant love 2. My plan of attack is to go to the few independent bookstores around here in Long beach, and Rockvlle Centre, and see if i can get some shelve space, or even a spot at the counter. of course i would have to give the store a cut of the profit, which would mean i would have to go and figure that out. i would print out a certain amount for the first printing, and then hopefully after the first priniting sold out, print more. each time being careful not to print to many, so as to have a surplus. i think it is totally possible. i also would like to print my great uncle's story of the a typhoon that his landing craft weather in the south pacific during WW2. well this post is a definate rambler. ithink i am going to go into the city saturday for a Canisus ALumni party. yeah i know didn't go to canisus, but its molson beer, and buffalo wings.
jenks - 02/04/06 11:48
haha... my dad still wears sock garters. That is when he wears socks, which is next to never. We all tease him about the garters.
leetee - 02/03/06 18:27
wow.. typos there. Secy should have been SEXY! lol
leetee - 02/03/06 18:27
LOl... i didn't mean the fun secy garters women wore, i meant the ugly ones men had to wear on their shins to keep their socks up. Elastic socks weren't around yet!

No, i wouldn't have been a hippie or a beatnic... if i was born in 1959, i would have been a teen or young adult when the 1970's punk scene happened. I wish so much i was there when all that happened. Discovering the Ramones first hand!! Seeing the Sex Pistols? Wow..!!! Instead, by the time i discovered my love of it all, it was gone... and only the second generation was there. Which was cool... but i wish i was there for the first generation!
leetee - 02/03/06 15:58
Cool! Go for it! Good luck with publishing!! I hope it is as fufilling as you wish it to be!

I understand the idea of living in a different time. I always thought i was born too late.. but not going back quite as much as you. I reckon i should have been born around 1959, not 1969... that way i would have been around for the first generation of the 'punk' movement...

My only complaint about living in the past is the things i have now that i would take for granted. Not just cool things like me being able to type this to you on my computer and you can get it on your computer... But simple, basic things. Like the advances in feminine hygene products!! How about mens socks without garters? Stuff like that... things we don't even know we would miss.
ladycroft - 02/03/06 13:48
absolutely. i know just what you mean. i'm in love with the days of indiana jones. there is something magical about the slower paced travel of those days...