I don't wish any ill harm on (e:matthew). Apparently I did not read (e:ladycroft)'s journal correctly. I guess from (e:uncutsaniflush) that (e:matthew) wrote the email to (e:ladycroft). Why didn't she just call him (e:matthew)? ((E:ladycroft), you made it seem like it was an anonymous post)
My bad... (e:matthew) I'm sorry. I should have paid better attention to what I was reading before commenting.
Boxerboi's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/06/2006 20:05 #21024
For the RecordCategory: sorry
09/25/2006 00:27 #21023
Summer's OverI can't believe the leaves are starting to change. Summer went by way to fast.
09/10/2006 08:54 #21022
Park on ElmwoodNow that the gas station on the corner of Forest & Elmwood has been renovated and the hotel seems to have stalled for the time being, I wish Forever Elmwood would push to open up the lawn of the Psych center along Elmwood up to the driveway before Buff State. It would be more attractive to have a park there than a rusty gate. My hope would be that the corner wouldn't look so desolate.
- I know Delaware park is right around the corner.
lifeasadream - 09/11/06 11:53
Doesn't Buff State now have ownership of the psych center?
Doesn't Buff State now have ownership of the psych center?
mike - 09/10/06 11:20
good idea..but there is no more forever elmwood...now it is called the Elmwood Village
good idea..but there is no more forever elmwood...now it is called the Elmwood Village
07/28/2006 20:05 #21021
Barbara SteisandI don't really like her as it is, and this just made me smile.

libertad - 07/28/06 23:31
her nails are pretty, they sparkle. it is a wierd shot of her, but she doesn't look bad for her age. THere is something in the pic running from her wrist to her breast that is black. I think it makes her look really dumpy. What is that darkness?
her nails are pretty, they sparkle. it is a wierd shot of her, but she doesn't look bad for her age. THere is something in the pic running from her wrist to her breast that is black. I think it makes her look really dumpy. What is that darkness?
mike - 07/28/06 20:07
wowser Babs, what happened!
wowser Babs, what happened!
07/11/2006 13:21 #21020
"Bucky"Category: dumb
I can't believe it is going on, what, six months and the NYS Troopers can't catch Ralph Phillips? C'mon. At this point they should just give up instead of shooting random people in the back on ATVs at dusk.
It's not like Philips is a brainiac or anything. Ten bucks says he's in his sisters attic the whole time.
I'm getting sick of the news' station reports that the search is "intensifying". Really? That's pretty sad if your best men doing their absolute best can't catch some dumb hick.
New York's finest... at their best. Six months & counting.
It's not like Philips is a brainiac or anything. Ten bucks says he's in his sisters attic the whole time.
I'm getting sick of the news' station reports that the search is "intensifying". Really? That's pretty sad if your best men doing their absolute best can't catch some dumb hick.
New York's finest... at their best. Six months & counting.
metalpeter - 07/11/06 18:01
What the troopers are doing is they are watching the roads and doing that they will never find him. They should have used bloodhounds and hit up the woods and they may have found him. The thing is that he had like a 6 hour head start. Even with out help if he is living off the land then they won't find him. I have heard of a few rumors of why he broke out. He may show up eventully but I doubt it.
What the troopers are doing is they are watching the roads and doing that they will never find him. They should have used bloodhounds and hit up the woods and they may have found him. The thing is that he had like a 6 hour head start. Even with out help if he is living off the land then they won't find him. I have heard of a few rumors of why he broke out. He may show up eventully but I doubt it.
jason - 07/11/06 13:35
Yeah to be honest it is an absolute joke. I hear he is getting help, and that people are rooting for the anti-hero. Sickening.
Yeah to be honest it is an absolute joke. I hear he is getting help, and that people are rooting for the anti-hero. Sickening.
I've updated my journal to reflect the contents of this journal - that you thought (e:ladycroft) was talking about an anonymous person.