11/20/2005 14:27 #20975
SleepingCategory: sleep
I nap on my floor. I sleep in a bed. My favorite place to sleep is the floor, in high school I couldn't stand my mattress so I would pull the sheets of my bed each night and sleep on the floor.
I've spent many a night sleeping on the floor in the DMA lab in Lyons hall at Canisius and I used to take naps under my desk in the yearbook office. I really like the floor, esp. carpeted floors.
11/18/2005 23:38 #20974
Scratch the shell of any cynicCategory: thoughts
and you'll find a frustrated idealist. {I can't find the author of this quote, sorry}
Have you ever stopped and looked at your life and wondered, what the hell am I doing? It's as though you life somehow overran you and you're just along for the ride.
I remember sitting in the yearbook office one night, wondering what the point of my college experience was. I don't feel particularly enlightened by what I was taught, I wouldn't say any of my professors were particularly profound and only three really pushed the class to think on their own and express what they felt. I wish I would have been taught to take risks, to think on my own and stand by my convictions. I wish my input was intellectually challenged instead of unanimously ignored by my classmates, with barely a nod from the professor.
I hope I always remember the Pauls that I come across: the free thinking, idealists who have the drive and independence to figure out what they want and how to get it, because they always seem to get the short end of the stick. I don't see a change in American culture coming anytime soon, shifting from acceptance of the status quo to respect and embracement of the free-thinker.
11/12/2005 13:00 #20973
Response to UncutaniCategory: zoo
I know you and Leetee probably love the zoo more than I do. It used to be one of my favorite places to go when I was little.
I have nothing against the Zoo as an organization. I feel they have cleaned themselves up over the years and become more aware and responsive to economical and sociological changes which is intrical to their continued success.
My frustration and subsequent rant lies in my personal belief that good leaders do not run when the going gets tough. Fernandez, while having done a great job before the funding crisis (which is not her fault), made a decision to save herself first and leave the zoo to just hang... What kind of dedicated, responsible, devoted leader does that?
Ani... I think Buffalo has one of the greatest concentrations of arts and culture in this region, but I cannot bring myself to support a leader who leaves at the first sign of danger, who puts herself first after publically announcing her devotion and dedication to the organization she was chosen to lead and lauded for her previous success and present momentum.
Can we afford to have her leave again when there is a threat of financial or other danger?
11/10/2005 22:33 #20972
Donna Fernandes--You COWARD!Category: zoo
Anyone see the article on the front page of the News today?
I cannot believe that Donna Fernandes is coming back to the zoo after she ran from Buffalo when the budget crisis was just coming to head.
From what I want to take from the News article, the only reason Fernandes wants to come back is 1. the elections are over and the zoo is still funded 2. she misses buffalo.
I wish I had a copy of the articles that were printed when Fernandes left buffalo as quickly as possible. She could have cared less about what happened to the zoo or Erie county for that matter.
What's worse is that the board of directors and the citizens of this pathetic county are letting her come back! Why? She really should be embarrassed.
I couldn't believe the article when I read it. I hope I run into her at Wegmans some time so I can call her a coward to her face.
11/10/2005 22:32 #20971
Donna Fernandez--You COWARD!Category: zoo
Anyone see the article on the front page of the News today?
I cannot believe that Donna Fernandez is coming back to the zoo after she ran from Buffalo when the budget crisis was just coming to head.
From what I want to take from the News article, the only reason Fernandez wants to come back is 1. the elections are over and the zoo is still funded 2. she misses buffalo.
I wish I had a copy of the articles that were printed when Fernandez left buffalo as quickly as possible. She could have cared less about what happened to the zoo or Erie county for that matter.
What's worse is that the board of directors and the citizens of this pathetic county are letting her come back! Why? She really should be embarrassed.
I couldn't believe the article when I read it. I hope I run into her at Wegmans some time so I can call her a coward to her face.
College is not the place for open debate and discussion about various ideas. Back in the day, maybe....today definitely not. Professors don't want to hear your ideas. They want to fill your head full of their bullshit. There is no discussion, there is no debate - there is only one idea (the correct one, THEIR idea). Examples of this pop up every week. I share in your disappointment.