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12/24/2005 19:22 #20978

dave's christmas freak show
I'm so glad I only have to venture to Dave's christmas store once a year. It's one part of cheektowaga I can do without.

Jeff's little fake tree bit it this year, so he needed to get a new one. I can't believe how expensive little trees were at dave's. We got one at wegmans that was pretty big and pre-lit, which would have been great if it had been white lights. The retard at wegmans gave jeff one with colored lights, so we had to pull them all off and redo it with white and blue ones. it looks pretty cool now that its done.

it just looks nasty from the outside too

what's with the foil ceiling. That tree must have taken a couple of days to decorate. Luckily I don't care that much about decorating, so haha! no tree for me!


while jeff put the tree together, i pulled every light off the branches that was colored. they must treat the trees with something because my hands itched so bad when I was done


Anyway its christmas eve now, i'm glad its almost over. peace out

theecarey - 12/25/05 00:03
yikes, looks like Christmas vomited all over Daves! I had been in there once during halloween but this picture is really scary. Who has a tin foil ceiling?!

12/24/2005 19:16 #20977

Christmas Cookies
Here are some pictures from the freakin cut out cookie day. I felt like a sweatshop worker :op



12/24/2005 18:51 #20976

The Greatest Guy in the World
Category: jeff


jenks - 12/25/05 09:36
Who's who? Very cute!
theecarey - 12/25/05 00:05
aweeeeee! Adorable picture :)

11/20/2005 14:27 #20975

Category: sleep
I nap on my floor. I sleep in a bed. My favorite place to sleep is the floor, in high school I couldn't stand my mattress so I would pull the sheets of my bed each night and sleep on the floor.

I've spent many a night sleeping on the floor in the DMA lab in Lyons hall at Canisius and I used to take naps under my desk in the yearbook office. I really like the floor, esp. carpeted floors.image

11/18/2005 23:38 #20974

Scratch the shell of any cynic
Category: thoughts
and you'll find a frustrated idealist. {I can't find the author of this quote, sorry}

Have you ever stopped and looked at your life and wondered, what the hell am I doing? It's as though you life somehow overran you and you're just along for the ride.

I remember sitting in the yearbook office one night, wondering what the point of my college experience was. I don't feel particularly enlightened by what I was taught, I wouldn't say any of my professors were particularly profound and only three really pushed the class to think on their own and express what they felt. I wish I would have been taught to take risks, to think on my own and stand by my convictions. I wish my input was intellectually challenged instead of unanimously ignored by my classmates, with barely a nod from the professor.

I hope I always remember the Pauls that I come across: the free thinking, idealists who have the drive and independence to figure out what they want and how to get it, because they always seem to get the short end of the stick. I don't see a change in American culture coming anytime soon, shifting from acceptance of the status quo to respect and embracement of the free-thinker.

jason - 11/21/05 10:09
College is not the place for open debate and discussion about various ideas. Back in the day, definitely not. Professors don't want to hear your ideas. They want to fill your head full of their bullshit. There is no discussion, there is no debate - there is only one idea (the correct one, THEIR idea). Examples of this pop up every week. I share in your disappointment.