So anyways, why I think I'm in a mood to do serious damage:
Because I'm in such a grand mood, and am feeling exceedingly confident in my high heels and gloves with the fingers cut off, I think the smallest thing going wrong could really set me off. For instance, because I, yet again, had detention this week, I was denied my Senior Sign-out privilege (Where, during their free periods, seniors can do whatever they want on Fridays (aka leave school).) by Mrs. Young, this absolutely horrid woman who works in the front office and doesn't like me, not even a smidge. Anyways, this is irrelevant. Mrs. Grace took me to lunch today, as she always does, which does not fall under the category of senior sign-out as it was an advisor-student meeting. So we came back after a perfectly enjoyable meal (She and I are kindred spirits of sorts, sharing Christmas Day as our birthday, though she was born in 1950 and I in 1987.), when Mrs. Young pulled her aside and started talking in a hushed tone like I'm four or something, and giving me accustory looks. I know she was telling Mrs. Grace that it wasn't cool for us to go to lunch when I don't have sign-out, but we've been doing it every other week since September, before sign-out was even instated. Nobody has a problem with it but her, and it's like she thinks it's her place to make Mrs. Grace, who is new to Sem, feel bad about it. Ugh, that just makes me mad.
I think I've convinced my mother that we should find an apartment on/around Elmwood. She initially wanted to move out to Millersport Highway, because that's where UB is and where Dandelions is, where she might get a job. But I can't not live in the city, I'd perish.
In other news, I am listening to my iPod, and this makes me happy. Here's what I've got going (some re guilty pleasues, beware!):
Showtime -- Jon Brion.
Rapture -- Pedro the Lion.
Mix Tape -- Brand New.
Be The Girl -- Aslyn.
Before You Cry -- Camera Obscura.
Glendora -- Rilo Kiley.
These Days -- Chantal Kreviazuk.
Blue Eyes -- Cary Brothers.
The Glory The Glory -- Legendary Pink Dots.
Today Was Okay -- Emiliana Torrini.
Who Am I -- Lily Frost.
Apple Bed -- Sparklehorse. (I'm doing my absolute best to not break out singing this right now, in the middle of class.)
Underwater -- Tegan & Sara.
I'll Have to Say I Love You In A Song -- Jim Croce.
Losing A Whole Year -- Third Eye Blind. (highly underrated band, in my humble opinions.)
Mysteries of Love -- Julee Cruise.
What's In It For Me -- The Walkmen.
Edith Piaf Medley (Live) -- Jeff Buckley.
Sweet Avenue -- Jets to Brazil.
Smackwater Jack -- Carole King.
Forever -- Karl Hohn. (Only song I've ever had written about me... well, the lyrics anyway.)
Your Song -- Elton John.
Love Letters -- Ketty Lester. (I just adore this song.)
Jake -- Lisa Loeb.
I think I could really fall for a boy named Jake. One who wore a lot of plain white tee shirts and ate at Brodo on Sunday afternoons in the sunshine, and wouldn't mind going to family Easter brunches.
Tomorrow night is going to be positively smashing. (Happy early birthday to (e:Rachel), by the way! ... even though I know you don't really come here much, anymore, heh.) I received in the mail 'Pride and Prejudice', the BBC version with Colin Firth (le sigh). It's five hours long. I absolutely cannot wait to watch it, study AP Art History, smok a bowl, and eat.
I would loveloveLOVE to have a period-themed dance party, with slow songs and heels the girls can take off and spiked punch.
Soft Cell ("Tainted Love") does the most amazing cover of "Where Did Our Love Go?" by the Supremes. Absolutely entertaining combination.
Alltogether, am in a strange mood. I'd love to watch "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" tonight, but I think it'd make me too depressed. My mindset is just way too malleable for decent movies.
I feel like doing something physical.
"Let's get physical, physical..."
Oh, Olivia...
You just put me feel in a lil bit better mood ;)
Good to see someone in a good mood. I heard that they can be infectious, so make sure you breathe on everyone you see!
My friend's living room. It's got that level of quiet that isn't silent enough to drive you nuts, but isn't so loud that it's distracting.
What environment is it that makes you so productive?