i joined myspace yesterday.
... i'm already addicted. anyone else on there? wanna be my friend?
i know you do.
Alison's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/08/2005 18:13 #20641
myspace.10/29/2005 19:26 #20640
no day but today.Category: beautiful people.
right. so.
many of you (e:peeps) know that i am a die-hard musical theater NERD. i mean it. i've done the work shops, training camps, 24 hours plays... i've done it all. i love musicals, musicalsmusicalsmusicals.
well, last year i went in RENT, and it was fucking amazing. for half the run i was Maureen, and for the other half, Mimi. i did it with Collowuial Theater Company, of which I am the Resident Vocalist. fucking awesome.
which is why I'm extremely nervous about the movie of rent coming out on november 23rd. i mean, everyone in the cast except for 2 people were in the original broadway company, but <i>still</i>.
before i tell you now the part that really upsets me, understand that i am fully aware that this is the most pretentious, asshole point of view ever. got that settled? okay.
i hate other people singing the songs.
no, like seriously: i was in regal cinemas a few weeks ago, and on the jumboscreen in the lobby they were playing the trailer, with 'season of love', and about nine 12-year old girls with too much white eyeliner were singing the words. incorrectly.
okay, have you even heard of rent before this?
not that i don't think it's fucking awesome that this movie is opening up all kinds of people to a wonderful story they haven't heard before, but what can i say, i'm a pretentious musical asshole.
lol (e:pmt), : "AIDS AIDS AIDS!!!!!!"
now, some pictures for yr viewing enjoyment.

i just reread this post. i am an asshole and a half. oh well. anyone feelin' me?
many of you (e:peeps) know that i am a die-hard musical theater NERD. i mean it. i've done the work shops, training camps, 24 hours plays... i've done it all. i love musicals, musicalsmusicalsmusicals.
well, last year i went in RENT, and it was fucking amazing. for half the run i was Maureen, and for the other half, Mimi. i did it with Collowuial Theater Company, of which I am the Resident Vocalist. fucking awesome.
which is why I'm extremely nervous about the movie of rent coming out on november 23rd. i mean, everyone in the cast except for 2 people were in the original broadway company, but <i>still</i>.
before i tell you now the part that really upsets me, understand that i am fully aware that this is the most pretentious, asshole point of view ever. got that settled? okay.
i hate other people singing the songs.
no, like seriously: i was in regal cinemas a few weeks ago, and on the jumboscreen in the lobby they were playing the trailer, with 'season of love', and about nine 12-year old girls with too much white eyeliner were singing the words. incorrectly.
okay, have you even heard of rent before this?
not that i don't think it's fucking awesome that this movie is opening up all kinds of people to a wonderful story they haven't heard before, but what can i say, i'm a pretentious musical asshole.
lol (e:pmt), : "AIDS AIDS AIDS!!!!!!"
now, some pictures for yr viewing enjoyment.

i just reread this post. i am an asshole and a half. oh well. anyone feelin' me?
alicia - 11/04/05 18:24
ive heard all the music my friend is a rent fanatic lol i havent seen it tho i would love to. nice meeting you at the party :)
ive heard all the music my friend is a rent fanatic lol i havent seen it tho i would love to. nice meeting you at the party :)
metalpeter - 10/30/05 10:32
I saw Rent in toronto or was it Buffalo, I think I went to T.O. to see it. It is one of the two musicals I've seen the other is phantom (Buffalo, Toronto). I find musicals tough to follow because if you miss understand one word or two you lose track of the entire story. I have rent on CD but havn't listened to it in a long time. If I knew you sang I would have asked you to last night (not really, but it sounds like a nice idea.) I will go see the movie when it comes out. If you Saw "Team America:world Police" then you know about the "Everybodies got Aids" scene. I thought it was funny but you might not. On a side note it was nice to meet you last night.
I saw Rent in toronto or was it Buffalo, I think I went to T.O. to see it. It is one of the two musicals I've seen the other is phantom (Buffalo, Toronto). I find musicals tough to follow because if you miss understand one word or two you lose track of the entire story. I have rent on CD but havn't listened to it in a long time. If I knew you sang I would have asked you to last night (not really, but it sounds like a nice idea.) I will go see the movie when it comes out. If you Saw "Team America:world Police" then you know about the "Everybodies got Aids" scene. I thought it was funny but you might not. On a side note it was nice to meet you last night.
10/28/2005 11:52 #20639
too cool for school.Category: lifecategory
i would like to take this opportunity to say that i fully support anyone else who doesn't plan on dressing up for the (e:halloweenparty) tomorrow. join me in lameness, friends!
also, does anyone know of a restaurant in buffalo (preferably as close to (e:strip) and our neck of the woods as possible) that serves pirogues? i'm sure one of you (e:polishpeeps) would have an idea.
also, does anyone know of a restaurant in buffalo (preferably as close to (e:strip) and our neck of the woods as possible) that serves pirogues? i'm sure one of you (e:polishpeeps) would have an idea.
leetee - 10/28/05 17:29
Looks like the Polish Villa doesn't have a website, but they do have good pierogies, Alison. And good food in general. Here's Google Local on it (hope the link works) :::link:::
Another place to look would be the Broadway Market. Here's the official site for them. :::link::: There might be a place to buy pierogies or maybe even a small counter to eat them at, premade... but i am not sure about it.
Looks like the Polish Villa doesn't have a website, but they do have good pierogies, Alison. And good food in general. Here's Google Local on it (hope the link works) :::link:::
Another place to look would be the Broadway Market. Here's the official site for them. :::link::: There might be a place to buy pierogies or maybe even a small counter to eat them at, premade... but i am not sure about it.
joshua - 10/28/05 15:12
Hmm, maybe Pano's? I dunno. Greek is the way to go here.
Hmm, maybe Pano's? I dunno. Greek is the way to go here.
paul - 10/28/05 14:36
There is the polish villa but it is on Union in cheektowaga. They have good food.
There is the polish villa but it is on Union in cheektowaga. They have good food.
10/25/2005 00:41 #20638
i'll take TWO, if you please!!Category: orgasms!
my birthday/christmas is in 61 days. before the football game this weekend, (e:drchlorine) asked me what it is i want.
i have decided.
forget world peace, this would be far more satisfying:

my whole life, like most girls, i've carried around with me a bunch of stupid, romantic things i want to do/happen to me before i get too old and ugly to look cute doing them. at the top of my list, are being kissed under mistletoe, and being kissed at midnite on new years eve (y'know, right at the end of the countdown, when everyone's jumping around drunkenly). neither of these have happened yet, but, should adam brody be within tackling distance of myself at an appropriate time (er, inappropriate, i guess.), his ass is getting good and kissed, alison-style.
i have decided.
forget world peace, this would be far more satisfying:

my whole life, like most girls, i've carried around with me a bunch of stupid, romantic things i want to do/happen to me before i get too old and ugly to look cute doing them. at the top of my list, are being kissed under mistletoe, and being kissed at midnite on new years eve (y'know, right at the end of the countdown, when everyone's jumping around drunkenly). neither of these have happened yet, but, should adam brody be within tackling distance of myself at an appropriate time (er, inappropriate, i guess.), his ass is getting good and kissed, alison-style.
hahahaha i recently DELETED my account..i was addicted as well bu tit got old fast ;) have fun with it tho....E STRIP KICKS MYSPACE'S A$$
"I know I wanna love her but I can't decide...on Alison Road"
I dedicate that song to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since (e:Paul) says MySpace is all about hooking up, how could I have missed it? Maybe this is why I've been in such a dry spell.... dammit, and I thought HotHippieSingles is where the action was!
I'm there I am part of Buffalo Lovers and all Buffalo I am there as Peterrdunn1 (I belive I know how I log in but think that is how I'm refered to). Yeah it can be a little addicting some times.
OMG! i am so addicted too. now whenever i see people out at bars, i can't remember if i actually know them or if i've just seen them on my space,i hate it!!!