many of you (e:peeps) know that i am a die-hard musical theater NERD. i mean it. i've done the work shops, training camps, 24 hours plays... i've done it all. i love musicals, musicalsmusicalsmusicals.
well, last year i went in RENT, and it was fucking amazing. for half the run i was Maureen, and for the other half, Mimi. i did it with Collowuial Theater Company, of which I am the Resident Vocalist. fucking awesome.
which is why I'm extremely nervous about the movie of rent coming out on november 23rd. i mean, everyone in the cast except for 2 people were in the original broadway company, but <i>still</i>.
before i tell you now the part that really upsets me, understand that i am fully aware that this is the most pretentious, asshole point of view ever. got that settled? okay.
i hate other people singing the songs.
no, like seriously: i was in regal cinemas a few weeks ago, and on the jumboscreen in the lobby they were playing the trailer, with 'season of love', and about nine 12-year old girls with too much white eyeliner were singing the words. incorrectly.
okay, have you even heard of rent before this?
not that i don't think it's fucking awesome that this movie is opening up all kinds of people to a wonderful story they haven't heard before, but what can i say, i'm a pretentious musical asshole.
lol (e:pmt), : "AIDS AIDS AIDS!!!!!!"
now, some pictures for yr viewing enjoyment.

i just reread this post. i am an asshole and a half. oh well. anyone feelin' me?
ive heard all the music my friend is a rent fanatic lol i havent seen it tho i would love to. nice meeting you at the party :)
I saw Rent in toronto or was it Buffalo, I think I went to T.O. to see it. It is one of the two musicals I've seen the other is phantom (Buffalo, Toronto). I find musicals tough to follow because if you miss understand one word or two you lose track of the entire story. I have rent on CD but havn't listened to it in a long time. If I knew you sang I would have asked you to last night (not really, but it sounds like a nice idea.) I will go see the movie when it comes out. If you Saw "Team America:world Police" then you know about the "Everybodies got Aids" scene. I thought it was funny but you might not. On a side note it was nice to meet you last night.