right. so. i hate astronomy. and i mean like, detest it.
over the past couple of weeks, we were supposed to have been keeping some lame ass "moon journal" where we wander outside every nite and record what the moon looks like and where it is in the sky and blahblahblah. um, did i do it? even once? nope. why would i go outside where it's cold where i can freeze in the comfort of my attic, watching the OC? no, i didn't do it, not once, and now this mother's due tomorrow and i have nothing to hand in. i guess i'll say i just forgot it to buy me the weekend, but i know i won't do it then either. i could also just talk some studious little chanel-wearing debutante into letting me see hers tomorrow, and just copying everything down, but kids have way too many morals these days. whatta bunch of goons.
so anyways, yeah. i'm gonna fail astronomy. not that i care anymore, because i'm sure ecc won't care if i failed astronomy.
medicore future, ahoy!
hmm, what else have i done lately? absolutely nothing. i've been really depressed the past couple weeks, and it's starting to really show. i've gone to school like, twice, and teachers are getting pissed. meh. i'm just really tired and don't have the energy to do anything but mope around. i'm like eeyore, without all that damned humor. i've been putting all my energy into my writing, and it seems as though the english gods are smiling down on me as a result... or maybe they can just see down my blouse, i'onno.
last nite
(e:drchlorine) and i went out to wheatfield and got lost in THE MAIZE ::dun dun dun:: it was great fun. as we paid to go on in, this guy working there warned us that it was "muddy" and that there'd be no refunds.
but of course, we played it cool and were like "a little mud? in buffalo? no problem!"
so then he goes on to tell us that we can choose the easy, medium, or hard "maize", and so, of course, we choose the hard one, figuring that our combined brain power should shoot us straight on through it like nothing else.
oh my sweet jesus.
he shouldn't have called it "muddy". he should've screamed "STANDING WATER". this place was the freaking titanic, we were sinking so deep. at a few points, the mud tried to eat my sneakers. so picture us two, wandering through a swampy cornfield for an hour, trying not to be shown up by a bunch of twelve year old girls who were also running around.
at one point, we were terribly lost (the debate on who has the worst sense of direction stands), and asked one of the "corn cops" wandering around the place what to do. yeah. we're pretty sure he lied to us and got us even more stuck.
in any event, we ended up riding back to the strip barefoot and smelly, because our shoes were so caked with mud. a grand time was had by all.
but what will this weekend bring? a party for
(e:lilho) and
(e:tina), you say? how marvelous! the only shitty thing is that i have to be dressed and respectable looking at 9:45 the next morning to give tours to respective parents at my school. fabulous, really. but anyone who is going to
(e:lilho)'s please message me, as i am sorely in need of a ride.
until tomorrow, hopefully,
I'm cutting my hair WAY down. Hey, in my book bigger boobs are better, so do whatever you are doing.
Yes, Ouija boards are amazing :)
Cut off all your hair? That's sweet, short hair rocks
Well if they look bigger then that will make you look older even if the cut makes you look younger. But I'm horrible at telling ages. A good Example is Michelle Wie. I may have mispelled that. She is this gorgeous lady golfer she is really hot and looks like an adult to me, she is only 16.