07/14/04 01:10 - ID#22905
Too late to abort Texas?
So now my question is, is it too late to abort Texas? I mean, it's not nearly in the third-trimester of American history like Massachusettes say, or even New York. Texas was only conceived as a state in 1845. And that whole independent republic thing... doesn't that make them a bit of a test tube baby, trying to gestate outside their mother's tummy? I say, git rid of 'em. Like any sensible teenage would-be mom who wakes up three weeks later to realize she's bearing a baby the world doesn't want, we should make an appointment at Planned Nationhood, and vaccuum that offending fetus right out of us.
So what's the point of this belabored (heh heh) metaphor. Oh, only that today I heard a report on the radio that Texas, a state that spends millions on abstinence "education" and regularly purges information about contraception from school books has, you guessed it, the nation's highest rate of teeanage pregnancies, and thus, the highest rate of abortions. Put that in your Bible totin', Job quotin', God smotin' pipe and fucking smoke it. Oh, and in doing a little research about Texas, I also found out that, for the same blaringly obvious reasons, they also have the fourth highest rate of new HIV cases. So much for preserving the sanctity of human life.
Any fool who can read a UNICEF report knows that contraception information and honest sex education indeed lower the rates of teenage pregnancies and STD transmission. For instance: Norway, Sweden, the Netherlands, those cesspools of human depravity, where they readily inform kids about the consequences of sex, have about between 5 and 10 births per thousand teenagers. And in the US, where we tell them to trust in Jesus and just don't do "it", well, we're at about 53 births per thousand. (http://www.guardian.co.uk/comment/story/0,3604,1213875,00.html) Study after study proves this, while the BU(ll)SH(it) administration keeps putting funding pressure on US government offices, non-profits and even international NGO's to stress abstinence over the logic and scientifically sound research behind contraceptive programs.
So why do conservatives, who abhor abortion so much they're willing to use terrorist tactics to prevent it, not get the connection? I mean, let's clear up a stereotype here, they're not all ignorant inbred rednecks! In fact some of them are very intelligent, if maleficent, manipulators who dupe and deny the low-income masses that make up most of their constituency (and most of the victims of teenage pregnancy as well).
So here's my conspiracy theory. The conservative don't give two shits about the sanctity of human life, the welfare of young mothers, or even their own souls for that matter. The whole thing is a red herring to motivate and mobilize the masses, whip them into a frenzy, as it were. I mean, what sounds nobler than the innocent untouched soul of a parasitic lump of proteiny goo?
The contradictions are there for anyone to see. Firstly, abstinence education leads to more abortions. That's right, Texas, my little lad, abstinence causes abortion. Ironic, isn't it? Also, I've never understood how you can be pro-life and pro-death penalty at the same time. Bring the kids into a life where their mother is poor, underage, and under educated, and then turn murderously sanctimonious when, gasp! he becomes a criminal. The right to life doesn't mean much in Texas then, even if you're mentally retarded or wrongly convicted.
There are about 850,000 abortions performed in the entire country per year, and the number has actually been falling o
r the past thirty years of "sexual immorality" and Planned Parenthood that conservatives are so ready to decry. At the same time, over 6 million people are killed each year in car wrecks. Surely not all of them are evil people? Surely they have a right to life? But you don't see conservatives chaining themselves to the front steps of Ford Motors, or expunging drivers ed from the curriculum, or lobbying for more commuter trains. No. Why? Because its not about life stupid, its about the moral frenzy. What about the santicity of other surely innocent lives that are lost to depraved circumstances? Like the 2,500 left-handed people who die each year from using right-handed products, or the 100 people who choke on ball point pen caps? Dear God won't someone give them a pencil!
So the long and the short of it is, that the pro-life movement isn't about the preciousness of human life. Not at all. It's about religious "ethics" concealing a fascist rhetoric that seeks to condemn and control those factions of life that fascist always go after first: the weak. People who get abortions are obviously women, but are also predominantly people of color, people who are poor, and a quarter of them are people who are under 20 and who maybe honest-to-God just didn't know what would happen when they had sex, because no one told them. The anti-abortion movement, once you clear away all it's irrational rhetoric, isn't about life, it's about sexism, racism, and power.
And what's scariest of all, do you know how fascist in power always go after their victims, how they prey on the weakest and most vulnerable segments of society? By claiming that they're their victims, or that they are standing up for the rights of the victims (in this case, the unborn child). Take a look at Theodor Adorno's case for this-- he very clearly lays out how the Nazi justified their crimes against the Jews by blaming all of Germany's problems on them. And so all our budget woes and social disintergration is not free market capitalism run-amok, or disingenuios politicians who serve only their coporate pantheons of gods, but poor high-school girls who don't know how to keep their pants on, and a morally bereft liberal media... oh wait, the morally bereft liberal media is owned by conservatives. Sometimes I just can't cobble the "logic" together the way they can...
One last note: some of you out there may know I'm a Christian, and may be shocked, yes shocked, by the revelation (heh heh again). But I am, and that's why murderous hate-filled fear-mongers who hurt people and ruin lives in the name of Christ so royally piss me off. I'd like to advise them to actually read about the God they say they worship. He hung out most of the time with prostitutes and convicts and yes, even that scum of human existence, tax-collectors. Why? Because they were the ones who needed Him the most. So I'm going to get some bumper stickers printed up if anyone wants them: "Just 'cause I'm a Christian doesn't mean I'm an Ignorant Bigot" and "Pro-Choice and Pro-Christ". How's that for contradiction.

Permalink: Too_late_to_abort_Texas_.html
Words: 1177
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/14/04 12:55 - ID#22904
Who's your Goddess?

Then I would like you all to suggest your own favorite goddess in response. Mine's Kali, the consort of Krishna, upon whom she steps. Take a look at this great article:

"Kali's four arms represent the complete circle of creation and destruction, which is contained within her. She represents the inherent creative and destructive rhythms of the cosmos. Her right hands, making the mudras of "fear not" and conferring boons, represent the creative aspect of Kali, while the left hands, holding a bloodied sword and a severed head represent her destructive aspect. The bloodied sword and severed head symbolize the destruction of ignorance and the dawning of knowledge. The sword is the sword of knowledge, that cuts the knots of ignorance and destroys false consciousness (the severed head). Kali opens the gates of freedom with this sword, having cut the eight bonds that bind human beings. Finally her three eyes represent the sun, moon, and fire, with which she is able to observe the three modes of time: past, present and future. This attribute is also the origin of the name Kali, which is the feminine form of 'Kala', the Sanskrit term for Time. "

Permalink: Who_s_your_Goddess_.html
Words: 295
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/08/04 01:34 - ID#22899
Hello Lurker
have you ever had your life "gutted", e-peepers? like on this old house or something when they completely redo the insides of a house and they rip everything out and start over again? the outside looks the same more or less but the interior is totally changed. only a supporting wall or a firey place might be saved. has that ever happened to anyone out there?

Permalink: Hello_Lurker.html
Words: 122
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/06/04 12:41 - ID#22898
get ready for the bump
so john edwards. i do like him, although he's a little clintonesque in a skeevy way maybe. but he's a populist, and very charistmatic, it's true. maybe he'll help people see the "softer side of kerry". it's strange to me that he's such a good campaigner and great speaker and yet he didn't win but one primary, and that in his home state. what goes on in the minds of these white haired old dems? either way, he's big with undecideds, independents, and swingers, i mean swing voters, who are about the only voters who anybody cares about in this unprecedentedly polarized election. when i heard the announcement on my clock radio this morning, i was so relieved, since all the polls have shown that the kerry/edwards matchup would be the best. although i feel like kerry read those polls too, which is a little calculating (this is one of the criticisms the bush camp is gonna lob at him.) but with edward's politician smile and grassroots style, we could be looking at 16 years of democrats. maybe by then the rebulicon gestation period will be over and their thoraxes will explode or they'll just return to their home friggin planet fer fuck sake!

Permalink: get_ready_for_the_bump.html
Words: 362
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/02/04 12:52 - ID#22897
Nope... still cute...

Permalink: Nope_still_cute_.html
Words: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/01/04 10:52 - ID#22896
Angry Horde meet at Pink
Seriously though, I hate to say shit like this, but maybe young women should have someone walk them to the door? I know I always wait when I drop a woman friend off at her house to make sure she gets inside safely. I hate that I, we, have to be more paranoid, and I hear myself thinking vaguely lascivious warnings like "so much more than your purse could be stolen". I don't want to live a life of fear, but here it is, women getting their purses stolen on a street we wander down drunk all the time.
As for cops, I'm not opposed to calling them when the shit goes down, which is why I bad-mouth them a lot less these days. I feel like a hypocrit when I'm all like "fuck the po-lice" then call them as soon as someone is lost in a blizzard or something. That's what they should do for society, I think.
But Steve Kurtz has been smacked down by the thought police-- the protectors of paranoia, the propigators of permanent war. I was thinking the other day about how they put Ulysses, the book, on trial for obsenity. Wily Ulysses won out in the end. But only because the judge had a smidgeon of subtlty and aesthetic sensitivity. What I keep hoping is that Steve will get some judge who has enough sense to say "This is Art, not Terror!"
Congrats to all the nascent non-smokers, but I thought the lung crusties were really cute! I heart you, my leetle lung crusties!

Permalink: Angry_Horde_meet_at_Pink.html
Words: 341
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/30/04 10:34 - ID#22895
By the way... Iraq is free now...
the young curmudgeon

Permalink: By_the_way_Iraq_is_free_now_.html
Words: 49
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/30/04 10:20 - ID#22894
Last night I left a naked party...

Permalink: Last_night_I_left_a_naked_party_.html
Words: 143
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/29/04 12:07 - ID#22893
Family, More Music, Camping @ Strip Mine
We ate good food (courtesy of the Tastee Freeze (mmm... wing dings) and the Fireman's chicken barbecue. Basically out of what we ate we could have reconstructed a hideous chickenzilla with 6 breasts and forty wings.) And watched depressing movies, Cold Mountain, and House of Sand and Fog, the latter of which I highly recommend for some gut wrenching catharsis.
My sister and I talked about why we don't have more ambition. We decided that ambition is too much work. And besides, for people like us, sometimes just getting out of bed and going through the day is accomplishment enough. (We're a little melodramtic, in case you didn't notice.)
So I'm back today and went to work. Making a Flash animated book of a Japanese folk tale that has a kind of word-by-word bouncing ball effect for a literacy project. Except the bouncing ball is a duck. Long story. Anyways, in the process of making it I went down to the main branch of the library at the suggestion of my friend Tim (an awsome poet and playwright, maybe another journal entry) and took out a bunch of music from Japan, which is so beautiful and various. I know at first it all sounds the same, but there really are different types... Shinto ritual music and geisha music (another journal entry) and Koto music and wild drum music... it's not all twang twang toooot toooot trust me.
I also took out a CD of Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan. He's from India. I want to live in his music. It makes me feel so alive. If you haven't heard him before please go out and find something. He's fairly popular, with stuff in all the "world music" sections. Jewleh Lal! Jewleh Lal!
I spent the afternoon reading "The God of Small Things." Me and all of Buffalo. Heh. But as Terry and others have said, it is truly wonderful. Too bad I took a nap afterwards and had some profoundly bizarre dreams. It's hard for me to shake off a weird dream sometimes, I kind of have an aftershock effect that lingers all day.
So to any E-peepers who have read this far, and who have met me face to face, would you be interested in a camping trip to the Strip Mines in my home town this upcoming weekend? My cousin called my sister and asked her to be part of her daughter's (my cousin's) first camping trip. I figure every seven year old should have a crowd of rowdy twenty-somthings on her first occasion, right? The one drawback is that my cousin can be a little bitchy, but all the more reason to come in large numbers. Anyways, I know a lot of us have talked about a camping trip, and we pretty much all have Monday off. And the Strip Mines are heavenly, see Matthew's journal [inlink]matthew,261[/inlink]. Email me if you're into it, and I'll see if it will work out.

Permalink: Family_More_Music_Camping_Strip_Mine.html
Words: 578
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/02/04 12:07 - ID#22892
Why do I always miss the naked parties?
Here is a haiku for all the haikusters and my friend Sarah, who is in Vienna getting chatted up, lucky duck:
dreams of falling up
from my work chair into desk
top blue atmosphere

Permalink: Why_do_I_always_miss_the_naked_parties_.html
Words: 130
Location: Buffalo, NY
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