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      shine on, Mickey and Jordan

      joe - 2025-03-06 23:10:59

      I am trying to remember the first time I had met Mickey. I think it was way back in 2013, at what felt like the beginning of my adult life. If it wasn't at one of those Block Club parties, it was at e:mike's birthday (e:joe,58048). I remember sitting around a fire in the backyard. I think e:robert had brought him not long after meeting Mickey himself. The first photo I have is in our attic during that year's Halloween party. It feels so impossibly long ago right now. I remember meeting Jordan for the first time in the summer of 2021, when it finally felt like we could start leaving COVID behind. I don't really have the words to say how I feel about all this right now. Anything I write feels wrong because nothing about this is right. All I know it is I love and will miss them so much. They were a beating heart in the living being that is Allentown, Buffalo, our sprawling network of Rust Belt queers. I hope we can carry that light they shared.

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      in VR

      paul - 2025-01-27 23:16:24

      Picture Post!

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      groupwork weekend

      joe - 2025-01-19 23:15:15

      What a weekend. Was nice to have visitors and some distraction this weekend in the new space.

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      when your bike bags run out of space

      joe - 2025-01-19 23:13:47

      You may have to fetch groceries like this.

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      jellymass in Pittsburgh

      joe - 2025-01-19 23:12:46

      Last week we popped down to Pittsburgh for a Jellyfish/Honcho weekend. On the way down Friday, we hit a huge snowstorm from Erie to Pittsburgh that had me driving 35 mph single file for most of the way. We only fishtailed once, but still - remind me we need to get better cold weather tires. Anyway it was straight to Jellyfish at Spirit right at midnight. Driving to the rave is weird, but the compressed party was still a ton of fun. Saturday had a mandatory crossaint check-in, a Copper pickup, and a nice day at Everyday Noodle and the Mattress Factory. Before the party we watched Sex and the City at our hotel. I've never watched it, the main character is so obnoxious Honcho crew had some great sets that night.

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      hiking recovery

      joe - 2024-08-26 00:43:35

      When you get back from a campout weekend, you feel like you're floating. I took Tuesday off, and went hiking with e:Paul up at the gorge trail. I was exhausted so laying at the rocks down by the rapids was very nice The State Parks recently redid the shelter at the Whirlpool trail parking lot. The bathrooms are super nice. One big all gender bathroom, floor to ceiling cubicle stalls, very clean. It's weird but I was very impressed. Later we had too much dinner at falafel bar.

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      Honcho Campout 2024

      joe - 2024-08-26 00:01:40

      Hemlock Hole, conveniently cropped I'm still over the moon from campout this year. This was probably my favorite year, though I think I say that every year. This year, we had managed to convince e:mike and e:libertad to join us, despite Mike's strict anti-camping stance. I'll leave it to him to say if we changed his mind or not. Just like the first time we went to Campout e:joe,60626, 8 years ago in West Viriginia, the fur, butts and human soup still exists, only on a scale 5 times as big. I actually had two people this year tell me they came across this blog searching it. So if you come across this and are on the fence, go. It's life changing. We went down early for us, 10am on Wednesday the 14th. 219, Twisty Pennsylvanian roads, annual Chipotle and Sheetz, and we were there. Setting up in the light for once, in the Central camp. It was so crowded already, I think I want to move to the festival suburbs next year. Wednesday night is very chill with no music. Just sort of people

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      happy birthday Denise and Alex

      joe - 2024-04-20 00:10:45

      Picture Post!

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      Hummus ?

      mike - 2024-04-20 00:07:42

      This hummus is on point. Re al but delish

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