The next day
(e:terry) and I went cross country skiing with
(e:holly) and Brian.
(e:paul) nursed his broken pinky toe at home (a casualty of the living room UFC tournament).
We went down to Byrnecliff Resort out past Wales. It was Brian's first time so we tried to stick to the easy trails - but at one point, a wrong turn had us going down hairpin curve on the hardest trail, which had little snow. It was fun but even
(e:terry) fell the whole way down.
I got my skiing bearings by the end - we finished the afternoon with the a medium trail called Rusty Nail. Too bad we couldn't do the steep downhill path called powerline - but maybe another time when there's more snow. I like the isolation of Alleghany better but this is less than half the distance.
On the way home, we stopped to eat in East Aurora at a sandwich shop, before eating a cupcake next door. The food was good - but something drives me nuts about that town. It's all too quaint and suburban yuppie for me - like if you extracted only the expensive food and knicknacks off of Elmwood and dropped it in a place where everyone must drive.
Later we got home and relaxed a little bit. - then continuing on our consumption binge via another
(e:paul) birthday dinner. This time it was with my parents and Mary. Birthdays now extend to three days apparently ;).
They came over after dinner for dessert, and we finally showed them around the upstairs of the house. I
glad I could see the surprise video since I was waiting outside to keep away suspicion. Why was I flying through the air in that one picture?
I was totally surprised. I never expected it for real. (e:mike) made the Mary Kate's kid birthday so believable.