Paul's Journal
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09/27/2015 21:55 #60238
New Watch FaceCategory: watch
09/19/2015 15:41 #60231
Curtain UpCategory: dancing
(e:mike) and I went out to curtain up because I couldn't go to Catland for Dana's birthday. We were not dressed up which is unusual for me. Then we headed over the Marcella's. It was less busy than I remembered it being on a Saturday. Afterwards we braved a stabbing by heading over to the underground. We found there is a very small divide between two buildings that you can slide through. We didn't go though. I know (e:joe) would have gone. Next time.
We didn't make it Jim's Steakout at the end. I kind of wish we did.

09/19/2015 15:30 #60230
Homemade Sushi - Shiitake Garlic Wine StyleCategory: food
This was extremely yummy. I started out with sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms with garlic and lots of olive oil, butter and salt. Once they soaked all the grease up I started pouring on dark red wine. I kept adding wine or oil till it was all about the consistency and taste of steak fat.
Then made sushi rice - 2 cups water, 2 cups sushi rice that was rinsed till the water ran clear. Then into the rice cooker. Let cool a bit.
Next I mixed 2 tbsp sugar, 2 tbsp brown rice vinegar, 1 tbsp salt and microwaved it for like 30-40 seconds till the dry ingredients absorbed. This doesn't smell great but it works.
Then took the liquid and folded it into the rice.
Next put the rice on the nori, sushi wrapper seaweed, and smear it around but leaving space at the end in order to seal it shut. Take the mushrooms and some thinly sliced carrot and cucumber and put it on the rice.
Next roll it into a tube shape, then with a very sharp knife, cut into slices.

09/19/2015 15:18 #60229
Garlic, Rosemary and Parsley Chicken WingsCategory: food
I made these in the oven the other night because it was raining so I couldn't use the grill.
They were amazing. Take some chicken wings, cover them in rosemary powder, sliced garlic, some parley, sea salt, olive oil.
Then bake them at 350 in a covered casserole dish until they look done maybe 45 minutes, then quick broil uncovered.
You could prob do it faster with more broiling but the longer you cook em covered the more the meat falls off the bone.