So (e:paul) really wants to make jewelry. We stopped up to get some investment/supplies at the metal broker up in Kenmore. It's in the big giant mansion at Kenmore and Delaware built by the founder of Kenmore, Eberhardt. It used to have a twin for his brother next door but it was demolished in 1977.
I always thought it would be super crazy on the inside but the part we were in was just a normal office.
On the way back from the store the power steering on the car broke. We even bought power steering because we thought it might have been the fluid, but it turns out it's completely electric and doesn't take any fluid. Miraculously it started working again. I hate cars.
We stopped to visit Tony on the way back so Paul could fix his computer. He was suprised (e:paul) had just eaten lamb because it was Friday. I feel like those Lent rules used to run my life when I was little and I don't even think about them now.
Paul's supplies and investment
03/03/2015 01:06 #59877
Excision at the Town Ballroom Category: music
(e:paul) and I got to go out to see the Excision show at Town Ballroom tonight while (e:terry) hopefully relaxed a little from tax time. Like the Datsik show it was a packed house and out of control.
The opener was kind of boring and lame but Excision had to be the most ridiculous sound I have ever witnessed. It reminds me I need to seriously get some real earplugs. Instead immediately stuffed some napkins in my ear so I wouldn't go deaf. It worked well enough because I don't have tinnitus like I usually do after the Town Ballroom.
The bass vibrated your whole body - skin, eyes, hands, everything was shaking. The pressure of the sound in the opening to his set was almost too much. His projections were pretty amazing too on the big robot speaker set they had set up.
There were also a ton of cute sweaty beardy bros there. Even though they make me feel old already it's fun to dance with them. I'd like to mosh too but I can't promise that I or someone else isn't going to end up really punching somebody.
Lisa was there going crazy per the usual, and invited us to her birthday at Lift this Friday. We haven't gone there but that could be fun. I have to think it's probably the same crowd of that goes to this type of EDM.
The snowbanks have become so high its redonk. Paul and I decided to document them.
03/03/2015 00:57 #59876
Snowshoeing at Hunter's Creek Category: hiking
We went down to East Aurora and Hunter's creek to snowshoe with Mark, (e:paul)'s uncle and (e:czarkasm)'s dad. All of the little valleys, creeks and cliffs were completely filled with snow, and we would only about a foot in.
I wonder what Little Rock City is like now - i bet you can fall right off some of the rocks without breaking your arm.
It was tons of fun. Despite the fact the snowshoes have spikes climbing the hill was mostly scrambling on hands and knees. Going down hills I had to just sort of run and home I didn't slide down on my ass.
I definitely want to go again - if we ever try again I'd like to try bigger shoes since I was using Erica's mother's old pair.
Afterwards we ate amazing homemade bread, veggie chili, and brownies from Erica's mom. It was the perfect way to fill up after.
uchina - 03/03/15 21:49 is snowshoeing easier than x-country skiing? i've never done it but it looks fun
03/03/2015 00:53 #59874
Saturday at the Botan Gardens Category: flowers
(e:paul) and I took an afternoon to go to the botan. It was so nice to bask in the heat like a tortoise. Surprisingly they have a three adult family membership so we renewed and are now all members.
These poor ducks were freezing their little duck butts off. We wondered how pissed they all must be at the duck leader who decided it was time to fly north.
The orchid show was going on but sadly not too many of them smelled.
How can we grow one of these? The leaves smelled amazing.
So did this curry plant (aka CP). It had a nice spicy smell to it
Cacti are so strange. This one had a little flower crown
is snowshoeing easier than x-country skiing? i've never done it but it looks fun