(e:paul) really wants to make jewelry. We stopped up to get some investment/supplies at the metal broker up in Kenmore. It's in the big giant mansion at Kenmore and Delaware built by the founder of Kenmore, Eberhardt. It used to have a twin for his brother next door but it was demolished in 1977.
I always thought it would be super crazy on the inside but the part we were in was just a normal office.
On the way back from the store the power steering on the car broke. We even bought power steering because we thought it might have been the fluid, but it turns out it's completely electric and doesn't take any fluid. Miraculously it started working again. I hate cars.
We stopped to visit Tony on the way back so Paul could fix his computer. He was suprised
(e:paul) had just eaten lamb because it was Friday. I feel like those Lent rules used to run my life when I was little and I don't even think about them now.
Paul's supplies and investment
I'm so jealous about the bike ride. (e:Dianne) and I have to get new bikes NOW! However, we didn't go out that night because we were (and still are) sick :-p Glad you made it to infringement.