Everyone kept telling me he was from the cable industry - it turns out he dwasn't from Time Warner or Comcast, but he did run an experimental cable company in the 80's. Unlike dial up providers with phone companies though, the cable companies didn't have to give them access to their network. It's kind of awesome to find out someone regulating business that isn't from that big business.
He also was behind a recent FCC reclassification of broadband speeds from 4/1Mbps to 25. ISP's can no longer market anything else as high speed.

By treating internet providers as common carriers, they will no longer be able to shape or restrict traffic based on origin/destination. I'm sure they're going to fight tooth and nail against this but if this goes
Unfortunately the FCC will not be attempting to regulate pricing. ;(

Uhh, he was a lobbyist for the cable industry, including president of that organisation, which is a really important aspect to leave out. If you look at the general trend of lobbyists actions upon taking on or coming from a government role, there is a lot of reason to suspect his aims. The backlash against their initial loosening of restrictions is far more responsible for this rhetoric than Wheeler himself.
I also think you overestimate words. I don't think it's an accident that he is proposing this now that republicans have full control of the legislative and judicial branches. Much in the same way that Obama's rhetoric on taxing the rich in his most recent SOTU means nothing when it comes to actually accomplishing it with republicans in control of the legislature. Congress has already stated their intention to challenge the FCC on this matter.