Paul's Journal
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10/31/2014 14:27 #59527
Joe Is DestroyedCategory: computers
10/26/2014 23:16 #59523
Mike Moved OutCategory: family
My little brother moved out yesterday into (e:Libertad)'s new home. I will miss him. It was fun getting to live with him again.

10/26/2014 23:14 #59519
Pittsburgh Botanical GardensCategory: pittsburgh
We went to the pittsburgh botanical gardens last week. Like everything else we did it Pittsburgh it just makes me want to move there.

metalpeter - 11/02/14 18:58
Nice Photos in those it seems to have a different feel if that makes any sense the Buffalo one
Nice Photos in those it seems to have a different feel if that makes any sense the Buffalo one
tinypliny - 10/26/14 23:41
These are SUCH lovely pictures!!
And since you are contrasting - how is Pittsburgh's botanical garden better than Buffalo's? :)
These are SUCH lovely pictures!!
And since you are contrasting - how is Pittsburgh's botanical garden better than Buffalo's? :)
10/26/2014 23:07 #59515
Pumpkin CarvingCategory: halloween
10/26/2014 23:00 #59512
Merry Christmas Bottle CollectorsCategory:
I got tired of waiting for someone to pick them up as they piled up in the back hall and decided to free them into the world of outdoor bottle collection. Some happy poor person is going to have a full shopping cart. Can we write this off as giving to charity?

metalpeter - 11/02/14 19:00
Oh looks like drinking those was a lot of fun ..... Some people do not like to put them out cause it encourages people to like look for them or come on your property ... But if you put them out when they pick up recycling they vanish and wow that is a lot and that is a good thing ....
Oh looks like drinking those was a lot of fun ..... Some people do not like to put them out cause it encourages people to like look for them or come on your property ... But if you put them out when they pick up recycling they vanish and wow that is a lot and that is a good thing ....
tinypliny - 10/26/14 23:55
that's a lot of booze through your collective systems.
that's a lot of booze through your collective systems.
It was fun! THanks for letting me live there and for watching Days of our Lives with me!
Good luck to Mike and Dave!