Paul's Journal
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06/06/2014 19:14 #59053
Whats Wrong With BuffaloCategory: buffalo
At Niagara square today I noticed they sand blasted the bricks to make it look cleaner. Frankly, I liked the old look to the sand blasted look but what's really crazy is that someone thought asphalt was an appropriate brick substitute. How the fuck did anyone think it was okay to do. This screams lazy govt worker. They couldn't find a freakin substitute brick. Even of another color. I would support taking the person who made the decision that this was appropriate and ironically stoning them to death with bricks in the square.

06/06/2014 18:57 #59052
Top of City HallCategory: buffalo
We took (e:Terry)'s mom. I couldn't stop thinking about the guy that jumped. As we were in the elevator and walking up the stairs, I wondered if he amazed at the reliefs or if he stopped and read any of the signs on his way.

Its sad the state the Statler is in. Its like covering the sidewalk with overhead protection is their total solution to the problem of the buildings concretes decorations falling on people's heads.

Its sad the state the Statler is in. Its like covering the sidewalk with overhead protection is their total solution to the problem of the buildings concretes decorations falling on people's heads.

paul - 06/06/14 22:35
He jumped last week and died on the 5th landing. Not as gruesome as the 70s one who landed impaled on the flagpole. :::link:::
He jumped last week and died on the 5th landing. Not as gruesome as the 70s one who landed impaled on the flagpole. :::link:::
tinypliny - 06/06/14 22:20
Wait, when was this and how on earth can someone jump from there. Its all fenced up. I could barely see beyond the parapet. Was he super tall?
Wait, when was this and how on earth can someone jump from there. Its all fenced up. I could barely see beyond the parapet. Was he super tall?
06/06/2014 15:59 #59051
Shrimp Sandwich At CocoCategory: food
Their lunch food is so good. The pattio in back is open and was packed today. No hornets yet like last year. Apparently, they have a to go bagged lunch deal too and a Game of Thrones themed dinner.

tinypliny - 06/06/14 16:12
AHA! good pics at last. Squeaky wheel. Squeak Squeak. :)
And damn, now I want that sandwich!!!!!
AHA! good pics at last. Squeaky wheel. Squeak Squeak. :)
And damn, now I want that sandwich!!!!!
06/06/2014 15:50 #59050
Trip To The Albright Knox Witg Terry's MomCategory: art
We traveled over to The Albright Knox for First Friday with (e:terry)'s mom.
The Art was great but the letters between Knox and the artist were even better. I love reading old letters. Especially, type written ones in the style of those letters. I wonder why we abandoned the dash, carriage return word split.

This last one you have to see in person. At full height, looking straight at it, it ripples.

The Art was great but the letters between Knox and the artist were even better. I love reading old letters. Especially, type written ones in the style of those letters. I wonder why we abandoned the dash, carriage return word split.

This last one you have to see in person. At full height, looking straight at it, it ripples.

tinypliny - 06/06/14 16:17
That stacked up sculpture up top is SO interesting!
That stacked up sculpture up top is SO interesting!
tinypliny - 06/06/14 16:16
I am SO glad you took all the whining into account and are finally making some effort to be interesting. Please don't go back to your old ways soon.
Yours in anticipation,
I am SO glad you took all the whining into account and are finally making some effort to be interesting. Please don't go back to your old ways soon.
Yours in anticipation,
tinypliny - 06/06/14 16:15
I am loving the old letters too. So much banter about the weather and travel. We hardly worry about these in our emails these days.
I am loving the old letters too. So much banter about the weather and travel. We hardly worry about these in our emails these days.
06/06/2014 14:33 #59049
Asparagus Fries and Dinner With The Parents At The DelewareCategory: food
Last night we headed to the Deleware in Kenmore with all three of our parents so they could meet and hang out. The food and atmosphere was great. I would definately go back. I can't believe the only photo I managed to get was the asparagus fries but they were delicious.
During dinner (e:Joe)'s parents brought up joining in on their family trip to province town. I really want to go. How could we turn down a trip to gay, seafood, ocean paradise.

tinypliny - 06/06/14 15:43
Whose shirt is in the picture? At least do us the favour of id-ing that one anonymous person?
Whose shirt is in the picture? At least do us the favour of id-ing that one anonymous person?
- Bitter pouty voice + glinty guilt trippy eyes*
So these were red before and they whitened them? That's bizarre. Bricks are usually red.