Almost the entire trip was a good time. The weather was amazing, we got plenty of swimming, football, beer and cheesesticks in. It was nice to relax and be outside in perfect temperatures. We found a good wooded camp site away from the open field.
On the other hand, I had fun hanging out among ourselves, but there weren't many people there I had interest in hanging out with. Getting looked at and talked about like pieces of meat gets old pretty fast. Obviously things were busier and a little less crazy for us than last week, but it's not a place I'd want to go back to very often.

The cross pool we swam in it for hours on the second day


Wine teeth - like kool aid mouth but for adults

Old man party - vaguely military themed

One of many cheesestick trips

We got to wear sarongs around - Paul and I had mini-sarongs.

There was a drag show the second night. Casey was outgayed at this point.
Heh - did Paul make the sarong himself?