we won so much meat ! we were the best meat rafflrs ever
05/16/2014 21:33 #58988
VIP meat raffle Category:
we had vip status and i won lots of hot dgos
paul - 05/16/14 21:48 I hear you won 8 pounds of hot dogs.
05/10/2014 16:28 #58967
Total Eclipse Literal Version
I may have posted this a while ago but seriously, I find it so hilarious. Like one of the funniest things ever! WATCH IT! I have watched otherl iteral videos and I don't really enjoy any of them but this one is amazing. And my real question is, WTH was this video about in the real time? Like it is an insane video even without the literal video version!
So I am super excited about Designing Women reruns starting to air on LOGO in May. I cannot wait to see it again. It used to be on Lifetime all the time but I haven't seen it in so long ... in tribute to those four amazing southern belles here are a few of my favorite Julia rants....
this one's a little long but the end is worth it!
lilho - 05/01/14 12:05 I looooooved this show when I was little.... I used to watch it with my granny.
paul - 05/01/14 10:31 When I was younger I thought Julie was so old. She barely looks old now. I am old.
tinypliny - 04/30/14 08:16 I LOVE these videos!!!! She is phenomenal! :)
tinypliny - 04/30/14 07:58 I have never even heard of these series! hahaha
tinypliny - 04/30/14 07:57 OH MY!! I just saw the first video. And I am doubled up with laughter, how on earth do you know about these gems? :)
04/13/2014 21:49 #58901
The Castle
My family did not go on many vacations when I was little and today in the paper they have an article in the paper about The Castle motel/resort that was in Olean. I totally remember going there as a child. I always sort of remembered a vacation in a castle but coudln't remember exactly. It is all knocked down which was kinda sad but that was definitely the place we went.
I remember swimming in the pool and I remember the restaurant was fancy and my dad had frog legs.
It's so weird the things that stick out in your mind.
tinypliny - 04/14/14 03:16 I think my family did not go on any vacations at all. We went to our grandma's house many summers but that was hardly a vacation because mum would completely forget about us the minute we reached till the minute we left - and then things would be back to boring.
paul - 04/13/14 22:00 I totally do not remember this. Did you guys go without me?
I hear you won 8 pounds of hot dogs.