The first of the nut butters from (e:paul).
I never had almond butter before because usually it costs so much. I think this might make me less of a cheapskate because this is the best nut butter I've ever had. It is just almonds, no sugar but but still tastes kind of sweet. The texture is gritty but in a good way. I opened it yesterday and it's already half gone. A+ 5 stars would buy again.

That's really true, I haven't even considered grinding my own. I can get almonds from Aldi for ~$4.50 a pound which definitely sounds cheaper. Might be worth the extra couple of bucks if Trader Joe's is that cheap!
The original Justin's Hazelnut Butter (the version with only Hazelnuts) was around $7 or so. They have now added almonds to it and marked it up to $10. I sometimes think all we need for wonderful butters is lots of nuts and a good food processor.
Hey, you need to try the $5-6 TJ Almond butter and post a comparison!!
It's amazing! I checked Wegman's website though and it's $9 at the Amherst Street store. Sounds crazy to me when I buy $2.50 Trader Joe's PB, but maybe as once in a while thing it's worth it. The glass jar is really nice.
How much is the bottle, for reference?
wow! super jealous!!!