Feel Rite is kind of crazy to me because while they do sell a lot of good health products, they also sell a lot of bullshit supplements and therapies that are useless at best and outright harmful at worse. Some of the natural herbs and food have been scientifically proven to be useful and I consider traditional medicine. But the vitamins/cleanses and homeopathy section drive me crazy. The worst part to me is they seem to all appeal to some anti-traditional medicine sentiment. Sure, a few doctors may have a vested interest in profiting off you, but not most and they have typically have peer reviewed science behind them. Why would these snake oil salesmen be any better in that sense, when all they have are their own crazy specious claims? Water with herbs in the parts per billion having any sort of efficacy? I doubt it. Doesn't this undercut the credibility of a health store? Maybe its just buyer beware. So many studies about these products are available online now. If you can't even look it up on your phone like Paul I consider it your own fault. I always like to visit

Then we ate at Red Pepper. I got the tofu stir fry with rice noodles which was really good. Last stop was Trader Joe's before we headed home. We failed to kick the candy addiction. The penguin gummies are amazing.

The Boulevard looks so rough these days. Maybe its just winter being ugly. A lot of run down vacant buildings and even a boarded up house.

Ying's moved into his ex wife's KCafe after his fiasco.

(E:mike) thought this was to kick a candy addiction. Yeast infection might be worse, lol.
That's really true, I haven't even considered grinding my own. I can get almonds from Aldi for ~$4.50 a pound which definitely sounds cheaper. Might be worth the extra couple of bucks if Trader Joe's is that cheap!
The original Justin's Hazelnut Butter (the version with only Hazelnuts) was around $7 or so. They have now added almonds to it and marked it up to $10. I sometimes think all we need for wonderful butters is lots of nuts and a good food processor.
Hey, you need to try the $5-6 TJ Almond butter and post a comparison!!
It's amazing! I checked Wegman's website though and it's $9 at the Amherst Street store. Sounds crazy to me when I buy $2.50 Trader Joe's PB, but maybe as once in a while thing it's worth it. The glass jar is really nice.
How much is the bottle, for reference?
wow! super jealous!!!