The furnace is fixed, we won't freeze to death!
last night
(e:paul) called 72 Degrees Air Conditioning and Heating who claimed to do 24x7 repair. Not only did they want to charge $90 just to come out, they promised a visit in three hours and never called or showed up.
(e:Paul) knew it was the induction blower from the last repair and what he researched, we were able to call around for the part. First I called Seneca Heating and Plumbing, who didn't service York anymore, but were nice enough to direct us to Johnstown Supply out in Depew. Amazingly enough they had one blower left in stock, not so amazingly it was $260.
Paul and I drove out through some crazy snow and picked it up just before they closed. we got back, ate
(e:Terry)'s delicious egg cheese thing, and replaced the blower. It was pretty easy to replace, literally involving 10 screws and some tubing connections.
While we were down there Paul and Terry capped the dead end duct full of asbestos. You definitely can notice how much more air flow there is through the other vents now its closed.
We also did some crazy cleaning and rearranging of the dining room. The buffet is now against the window giving way more room to nerd out and program in front of the fire. Now we won't piss off Terry by laying in front of the door.
why gross?