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12/09/2013 22:05 #58424

Erie County Health Inspection
Category: food
So recently Erie County caught up with the rest of the country and finally put their health inspection records online. I love government transparency especially when its online.

I'm not sure if it's fun or terrifying to see what happens at some of these restaurants. For example, a recent inspection at the Towne showed this:

14-1.10(c)(3) / Food / Food area / Public area contaminated by sewage / drippage from waste lines
Critical Corrected During Inspection Sewage back-up in food prep area in basement
Plumbers unclogged drains in basement
14-1.10(c)(3) / Food / Food area / Public area contaminated by sewage / drippage from waste lines
Critical Corrected During Inspection Bucket of cut potatoes contaminated by sewage on floor in basememt
Food item voluntarily discarded by food worker
14-1.10(c)(3) / Food / Food area / Public area contaminated by sewage / drippage from waste lines
Critical Corrected During Inspection Floors in basement contaminated by sewage
Floors cleaned/sanitized by owner & food workers
14-1.100 / Supplies/ Equipment / Ice machine contaminated by sewage / dripping from waste line
Critical Corrected During Inspection Several unsanitary containers/trays/pans on lower shelving units in basement
Chef cleaned/sanitized all affected equipment in basement
14-1.100 / Supplies/ Equipment / Ice machine contaminated by sewage / dripping from waste line
Critical Corrected During Inspection Several pieces of equipment and shelving units contaminated by splashed sewage
Food workers cleaned/sanitized shelving units and equipment in basement
14-1.100 / Supplies/ Equipment / Ice machine contaminated by sewage / dripping from waste line
Critical Corrected During Inspection Box of waxpaper tray liners contaminated by splashed sewage on storage shelf in basement
Single-service food items voluntarily discarded by chef

I guess they caught them on a really bad day.

Today (e:paul) and (e:terry) came with me to meet up with Lindsay, Emily and Carrie at Brewpub out on Transit. I'm now able to enjoy the amazing fries I just ate because they didn't have any critical violations. Then again neither does White Rabbit. Emily told us the craziest story about her Thanksgiving, I can't even imagine.

Cleversplitting the bill - probably took longer than pencil and paper, lol

tinypliny - 12/13/13 22:43
What is cleversplitting? Like you get dumber after the process because the cleverness is split?
heidi - 12/10/13 14:48
Dearest (e:Paul),

Thank you for updating the estrip app. I haven't posted anything yet but it has the draft feature I asked for and fixes the sticky picture attachment bug. :-)

Could you make links visible in text again? I almost missed the link to ECDoH food inspections because it blends in (no underline and same color text makes it hard to guess that there are links somewhere).

Thank you,


12/08/2013 20:55 #58422

White Rabbit Yogurt
Category: food
(e:paul) and (e:terry) and I headed out to the coop for shopping and then fro yo. (e:tinypliny), Ive decided to start documenting ridiculous food prices. $3.29(Mobile typo!) $2.29 per grapefruit!

We then drove across the street to White Rabbit for frozen yogurt. I was so obsessed in the summer but I think I'm over it, back to ice cream. Paul and I were poisoned by the gasoline flavored banana yogurt, which the guy let us replace. the spoon knew about that life.


See ya soon Condrells!

joe - 12/14/13 00:43
Maybe I should give yotality another chance. We should go sometime!
tinypliny - 12/13/13 22:44
hahahaha @ (e:Paul)'s pic :)

And way to go with the groceries!!!
Robert - 12/13/13 21:34
I feel like their flavors just taste more natural. I like their patio better too
joe - 12/13/13 21:29
For real, I was obsessed but I'm done. I only have been to yotality twice but I don't remember it being too different!

Robert - 12/13/13 21:22
White rabbit is gross. I've never had good froyo there. Also, their mascot is green. Wtf!
joe - 12/09/13 21:59
Oops typo!
paul - 12/09/13 00:05
$2.29 not $3.29 - but still redic.

12/08/2013 20:43 #58421

Cask Bier at Goodbar
Category: beer
Last night, (e:terry) and I headed out after an afternoon of programming for cask beer night at Goodbar. (e:heidi), (e:dianne), and a bunch of the beer club were there. Apparently cask beer is beer minus the carbonation. It actually made some beers that I don't think I'd like normally taste a lot better.

I also discovered that 2:1 ratio for beers between Terry and me works out much better.





tinypliny - 12/13/13 22:44
Very cool - loving these pics!
heidi - 12/10/13 14:46
I love the pic of you & (e:bluevelvetjack)!! The rest are really cute. Thanks for posting!

12/06/2013 23:55 #58415

Office Christmas Party
Category: work
(e:paul) and I just got back from my work's Christmas party at the Dock at the Bay in Hamburg. I thought it was going to be super awkward but it really wasn't.

The food was good, (almost) everyone loved Paul and some of my coworkers made me feel a lot better about the future working there. I was even forced to sing Christmas songs with the other new employees. I wish (e:terry) could have come too.

Later Paul and I were talking about how normal it felt to introduce him to all my coworkers, and that it might not be that way even 10 years ago. That or I don't pick up on people's reactions to it. Either way, I don't care and we're part of a protected class in NYS.


tinypliny - 12/13/13 22:47
I had my work party today and 25% were gay couples with their kids. In so many ways its exactly the same chaos!
paul - 12/08/13 12:45
I had fun, seems like everyone really likes you. My favorite parts were talking with Maureen and when your school mate thought we were in high school together, haha.

12/06/2013 22:38 #58414

Bike trains
Category: bikes

Also in bikes, I read this NPR article about bike trains in LA. Basically they use this website to organize group commutes to work for safety and encouragement. It's an awesome idea that makes me wonder if Buffalo is big enough for something like that. It's definitely easier to commit to riding knowing other people are counting on you. The thing that really stood out to me was the quote from this sociopath, Jackie Burke.

"It's like they enjoy taking up the lanes," says Jackie Burke, who has lived in Los Angeles her whole life. She says bicyclists drive her crazy when she's in a car and has to slow down for them.

"It's very frustrating, to the point where I just want to run them off the road," Burke says. "I've actually done one of those drive-really-close-to-them kind of things to kind of scare them, to try to intimidate them to get out of my way."

Is she freaking serious? How is menacing and assault a reasonable response to being slowed down for at most thirty seconds? Not to stoop to her level but I hope next time she does that someone u-locks the shit out of her car because that's not even the least of what she deserves. If she ever hits someone I hope the prosecuter finds this quote and throws the book at her. Maybe after she gets out of jail they can suspend her license and she can spend the rest of her life on a bike.

joe - 12/09/13 21:46
Yeah I definitely know what you're talking about Dave. Drivers don't seem to know about signals and some can't seem to wait two seconds to yield or slow for a bike when they would do the exact same thing for a car.

I also agree with you (e:metalpeter) about both being in the wrong sometimes - but in so many situations it seems like drivers don't even consider or even exploit the fact that they are 2 ton vehicles against 150 lb cyclists.
Being able to operate something that big and lethal definitely puts the onus on you to be safe about it, which is why I'm all about strict liability laws for driver-bike/ped collisions (see the Netherlands :::link::: ). As opposed to the US where most drivers don't even get charged even in negligence (see :::link::: Corisanti for examples).
metalpeter - 12/08/13 17:49
The Problem is that a lot of cars and Bikes are in the wrong... If you ride in the street you have to go the speed of traffic ... I've all most been ran over by people on bikes who think they don't have to stop at red lights and people cut across lanes to other side of the street and all kinds of stuff....... As an example I bet many drivers don't get the hand single thing like how the roll through stop signs don't get that Yield means the people in circle have the right away and things like that .......
libertad - 12/07/13 09:28
That woman reminds me of a recent event I experienced. I was riding down Richmond and needed to make a left so I got as close to the yellow line as possible and signaled with my hand that I was turning and some guy in a truck stopped to yell "Get out of the f'ing road you idiot!" I was so confused because he easily could go around me without slowing down, not really sure why just being on the road enrages people so much. I wonder if the bike lanes confuse some people and makes it look like we are doing the wrong thing if we are not in them when we need to make a turn?