Yesterday I began my first day of bike commuting to work. I've been biking and taking public transportation everywhere since the beginning of high school, so this summer when I had to get a car for work was the first time I've really been driving in my life.
Less than two months in of driving to work, I realized more than ever how much I hate driving. It's so wasteful for me to push my 170lb self around with a 3000lb car at 28mpg for an hour a day. I hate the aggression everyone gets in with each other, how isolated you are from other people and how easy it is to speed by and not even see what's going on around you. I hate how much space they take up and how much noise and pollution they generate. I wish Buffalo had a real 24x7 transit system, and hope that the bike culture keeps growing like it is.
Since I dislike it so much, I figured why not do something about it? It seemed hypocritical not to try just because the ride seemed long. So now that I can shower at work, I rode down. It was really nice to get out when few other people were. It took about 1hr for 16 miles and was without incident, besides yelling at a lady to pick up her dog's poop.

On the way home was a little bit different. It took 1hr 03min for 16 miles, but felt so much tougher. There was a headwind off the lake, a lot more traffic downtown, and even a minor road rage incident. This woman was upset after she tried to left turn at a stop sign while texting her lap, where apparently I surprised her coming from the opposite direction with the right of way. She caught up to me at a light, and I started yelling back at her for texting and not paying attention to the road. Of course while she is doing this, she has the nerve to look down in her lap to text and tell me it's not illegal while she's stopped. We parted with a few choice words before it escalated. I seriously need to watch my road rage but she deserved it.
I was pretty wiped after all that, but I am going to try to bike at least every other day. I can probably drop the hammer a little more as I get used to it so it'll get better. Finished the day with some 90 cent cones from Anderson's with Emily and Carrie. (4 of them to be exact)
Day one: 32 miles, 1080 calories, 2 hr ride time
Lessons learned:
Eat more, I felt so sluggish on the ride home
Watch out for crazy middle aged ladies
Leave earlier for home

Getting into work

Poorly tagged inspirational quote on the Rt. 5 overpass

Riding through Larkinville
Thanks! They're actually not real floors though, it's just the plywood subfloors that we haven't finished, haha. It's much worse looking in real life.
Cute pic of your dad and the dog and I like the wood floors of your kitchen.