Before the show Water taxi and stuff
The Opening band was something like "What we look like Broken" sorry I forgot the name ..... Imagine us broken ?
I'm glad that Marilyn Manson Played first meant I could use my camera and not really worry... He was great and a lot of fun..... If you like that type of music....
So Taking pictures really crushed my Batteries power so much so that I'd take a photo and battery exhausted pops up and camera turns off and no picture so I didn't have time to zoom in.... For the Finale Alice Cooper performed 18 with Marilyn Manson it was pretty cool but no pix so.....
It was a great time it really was even though I spent way more money then I should have oh well.....
I don't know much about but the stage looks huge to me... I think one advantage they have is that is all it is used for so once the stage was set up for GunsNRoses they just leave it up for all the shows they don't take it down and put back up like at canal side...
Looks like an awesome stage presence/setup.