05/02/2013 00:41 #57606
Nails and babiesApparently I know a lot about both babies and nails....
These are two of y fav thingz... Duh.
My nail tech today was really worried about her baby falling off the bed and then having an ear infraction. She was upset because her baby had been crying a lot... I reassured her that she should be worried if get baby wasn't crying. Every baby bumps thee head once or twice... And most babies cry when they have ear infections because they are painful! The poor woman is a first time mom... She was so surprised how much I knew about babies and I told her I went to school to be a teacher and was a caregiver for several years.
She did a bomb job on my nailz... So happy.
Must drink up this mellow mood and go to bed! 1love
05/01/2013 12:20 #57602
Mystery allergyThe hives appeared again... Not as bad as last time though. Luckily it happened on my day off and I kept myself on benedryl for 24 hrs. I woke up today ad I just have a few on my side near my stomach.
I looked up a bunch of info on hives and most of the time people never find the cause. It's unlikely it's a food allergy and I haven't been using any new beauty products. I am just grateful they went away on their own this time and I don't have to get a painful steroid shot.
There's a chance they could be from stress... But I feel like I live a low stress life. I mostly just work and come home early... I don't drink much anymore. Maybe my body is stressed because I don't go out much??!!!
People who don't have allergies are seriously lucky. I am always trying to counteract allergies from pollen, dust, animals... And random things.
I suppose I should attempt to go out and do something today since I slept through most of the past 36 hours and I work the next four days.
Maybe I'll splurge on a manicure... My fav thing!
04/29/2013 10:54 #57597
golfi went for the first time yesterday... mostly as an observer/ cocktail enjoyer.
i think maybe i get why people love it so much. it had been a rough day at work and it was so nice to be outside and relax and attempt a few drives and puts.
some of the people i work with are just the nicest people, i'm glad i had the chance to get to know them a bit more. my boss is also the cutest guy, like in a fatherly way. plus he's a chef and knows so much about food, which is one of my fav things to learn/talk about.
i dragged my feet so long over this golf thing, and now i feel like it could possibly be a new hobby for me, or wait it's a sport. it's my new sport of choice?
i need golf clothes!!!!!
my sis and zooey are coming in two weeks and it's gonna be the best week of my entire year. i can't wait to smother zooey with hugs and kisses and take her everywhere! i miss my family so much when i go more than a few months without seeing them, this summer is going to be just what a need. i'm so glad i get to see them again in july and also my fav blo peeps too!
04/23/2013 11:22 #57567
Linked inI swear that I have deleted my stupid linked in profile 5 times and then I never do it right or maybe I get distracted.
I am still maintaining that I like social networking with the exception of Instagram because I look at photos of:
Nails and nail art
Attractive people
Interesting places that I want to travel to
Ok, well just anything that looks nice and luxurious or funny or both. I'm deleting linked in today, bai.
04/21/2013 10:04 #57555
The ringingIt's back with a vengeance. Will I just now go completely deaf in my right ear? It woke me out of my sleep last night which had never happened before.... This concerns me because sleep is the one escape from tinnitus that I have. I honestly would rather go deaf in my right ear than hear this shit forever.
I picked up a few extra shifts at work this week, which is great for the savings plan but somewhat disturbing to mental state. Some golfers brought escorts with them on the course yesterday. One of the women tool her panties off and put them on this man's head right on front of me. I was working the back shop right before the 9th hole.... These people were drunk. I don't like being exposed to that at work because I feel it encourages men to act inappropriately with me as well. I'm all for a good time, but I take work seriously and don't appreciate sexually charged comments directed towards me while I'm trying to make money. Anywho.... Interesting day.
Tomorrow is my day off thank god. I thought golf was a classy type sport... You would be surprised at all of the strange things people tell me.
Let us pray the ringing will stop. :(
Sounds like a fun trip.