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04/25/2013 21:13 #57572

the name game
Category: fun

metalpeter - 04/26/13 23:07
Yeah that self creamation was insane.....
libertad - 04/26/13 22:01
Not sure why there is two links but yeah that episode has my favorite and worst scene of the entire season. Favorite is name game and worst is when he cremated himself alive. .....ugh
metalpeter - 04/26/13 17:32
Yeah Followed the first link... and loved this as one of the many great parts of this season of American Horror story....

04/25/2013 07:05 #57571

I want dr. turnencoff


libertad - 04/25/13 19:20
God made him that way?
Robert - 04/25/13 11:20
ha! why is it a merman?! I've never seen this before.

04/24/2013 17:51 #57570

another anti Carl Paladino flyer
Category: trash

the first one made me laugh, the second one made me irritated. i hate these trashy mailings and think they should be illegal, feel the same way if not more so about lawn signs. This doesn't want me want to vote for his opponent it makes me think he or she is a pathetic loser who is behaving like a child. But maybe they didn't even send them? It doesn't say who was responsible for it. Either way I would only vote for carl if he was running to pick up my trash.

metalpeter - 04/26/13 17:30
I think all the negative stuff altough it wouldn't be easy could be stopped by a couple of like minded people... If one could prove like by say videos and written matterials what they said... Then take one of these (not saying this one specificly) and sue the maker of it for not sure legally if it would be slander or defirmation of Character ... Again it would have to be very good and solid proff and win the lawsuit it might shut this stuff down... Cause i think most of the people who do this are paid by whom they represent but it isn't like the person running is the one who wrote it........

04/23/2013 12:33 #57568

anti carl paladino flyer
Category: trash

the darkened image made me laugh but I laughed even harder when I read it.

metalpeter - 04/25/13 19:01
I got one of these and never looked at it.... But this Is a great example (Some of his ideas I think are pretty bad but liked that he was going to try and shake things up) of how our system is all messed... anyone who has ever worked in an office has got a funny e-mail that they passed on to someone.... But the point is it is all talking points and bashing not talk on the issues.......

04/22/2013 20:20 #57562

alien orb

