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02/22/2013 12:56 #57275

Leftover Soup
Category: food

literally leftovers with broth.

lilho - 02/23/13 10:36

02/20/2013 21:18 #57271

Make Unlocking Cell Phones Legal Again
Category: mobile
They need 5383 signatures more to reach 100,000 signatures by feb 23. If you care about hardware freedom and the ability to do what you want with electronics you purchase then please sign this petition to repeal the ruling that made cell phone unlocking illegal.

Update: more details

jessbob - 03/04/13 18:26
It looks like the white house agrees with you :::link:::
paul - 02/21/13 00:47
It wasn't even a judge. It was a freakin librarian. That why we need legislation now.
tinypliny - 02/21/13 00:42
How asinine is this ruling?! Those judges need to be shaken upside down and be totally banned from using any smartphones other than a locked phone with the oldest crappiest whatever-the-hell-apple-calls-its-mobile-platform software.

02/19/2013 22:42 #57268

Putting Shelves Together
Category: parents
I helped my Dad put some shelves together for my mom today. We actually managed to quite successfully get the parts together with no arguing.

While working my Dad told me about how his childhood best friend died last weekend. It was the first time I saw him really sad. I can't imagine what it is like to unexpectedly lose a best friend, especially one you knew your entire life. As he said they come by few and far between. I made me so sad hearing him be sad.

metalpeter - 02/19/13 23:32
I can't really Imagine what that is like at all...........................

In terms of the shelves that is way past my level the instructions half the time aren't clear and telling what way a piece is is hard to tell......

02/19/2013 22:32 #57267

Matt and Kim at the Rochester Armory
Category: music
Went to go see Matt and Kim and Passion Pitt at the Rochester Armory last night. I really love Matt and Kim. Seeing them play live was amazing. They are so dedicated to their performance.

As with every trip to Rochester, we ate at Dinosaur BBQ

But first, the Will Call line was insane. It was like an hour long and wrapped around the block.

Luckily we had paper tickets and the line was like 15 people long. Makes me wonder about Will Call in the future.

We stood around waiting for a bit after we got there. The crowd was massive.

There was a lot of crowd surfing during both shows. The best part of all was when Kim walked out onto the hands of the crowd and then danced on top of the crowd.


My video from their concert of the song "Now"

An their professional video

The rest of the pics are from Passion Pitt. The light set was good but I didn't get into the music as much.
lilho - 02/20/13 16:24
looks fun, and yummy!
metalpeter - 02/19/13 22:52
Well if Will Call is done correctly the line shouldn't be that long... they should know how many tickets but maybe they way the place is set up they can only have one window ?

02/19/2013 22:19 #57266

Giving students iPads exposes them to threats
Category: buffalo
I can't believe we live in a world where people like Maureen Pratt from Williamsville are so afraid that children will use iPads for porn and "violent gaming" that they would question the use of mobile information technology in schools. Maybe even worse that our city's newspaper has nothing better to print than this response. She "could not remain silent" and neither can I?


Get with the future Maureen, people like you and the children you "protect" from mobile information access are going to be left behind in the information age. Its already happening, the slower they learn to harness information technology the further behind they will be as adults. Denying kids access to mobile internet technology because they may access porn or violent games is the modern equivalent of keeping kids illiterate because they might read about sex or violence.

Tablets, like phones are just computers you can take with you. They allow you to access the information when and where you need it instead of having to wait until you get home or to school to look it up at which times most things will simply slip off the radar. They represent an amazing opportunity to integrate the world's data stores into the fabric of our lives. I can't count how many times a day I reference valuable information on the internet to help me make informed purchases, define words, repair things, cook meals, program computers, appreciate art and music, and get me around from place to place. Not to mention the ability to tap into a vast network of people and their expertise at any moment.

You can't sanitize the internet. The beauty of it is that no one controls it. Its like the world itself. If it were all neatly controlled and government sanctioned the internet would have never happened. It would be like one big paid Disney commercial in America and other countries wouldn't even know something existed outside their borders.

Instead of just denying kids access it makes a lot more sense to teach them about what is and is not appropriate.
lilho - 02/20/13 16:28
this lady isn't making any sort of valid argument. we live in a world that is constantly presenting new technologies and ways to access information. anything can be a threat to children if they are not given the proper education, guidance, and monitoring. it's the same thing as having children living in a home with guns that aren't locked up....
metalpeter - 02/19/13 22:49
I agree with you both a bit... Now the problem is I didn't read the 1st article but if I understand what she is saying correctly is that all the good stuff in that article is correct but that there is also a dark side to look out for......

In Terms of the Darkside I get there is only so much room but the using them to Bully is the bigger concern and yeah there might be a tie into porn there... There are kids that will play WOW or what ever for hours and hours and hours online.....

But that being said you are correct that kids need to learn early how to use tech. That way they know how to use it and can keep up if they want to or need to....