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01/02/2013 00:14 #57111

Paul & the ball
Category: holiday
This is (e:metalpeter)'s photo cropped a bit - it's definitely my favorite of his set. (e:Paul) looks like he should be engaging in some kind of Men in Black activity, like a space-agey spy.

lilho - 01/02/13 23:19
who dat sesksi mferrrrrrrrrr???!!!
metalpeter - 01/02/13 19:22
Cool..... That is a good point he does... I really liked that outfit but wasn't sure why maybe that is the reason.....
paul - 01/02/13 01:45
I used that pic in my review of the velvet jacket at Its not posted yet, but I will link it when it does.

01/01/2013 23:02 #57110

Happy New Year!
Category: holiday

I love the new ball!




metalpeter - 01/02/13 19:20
Cool more photos...... Happy New Year.....
paul - 01/02/13 01:23
It really looks like the speghetti monster there.

12/28/2012 21:43 #57066

First snow
Category: weather
Y'all remember Dianne from the Halloween party, right? She's from Houston and despite spending a good chunk of last winter in Chicago, she didn't actually get to experience a real snow. Can you imagine? Snow is just such a part of my life that I never realized all the little details that come with it. Like... how do you explain the messes at intersections that snowplows make to someone who has never seen a snowplow in action? Or which kind of snow is right for snowballs? Or kicking the doorstep as you enter to knock the snow off your boots? Or silicone spray for waterproofing? Why hiking boots aren't real good in the snow?

She got a full snow experience Wednesday and Thursday...
I rolled into town just before the snow hit. Dianne was coming from work out on Transit right when it started snowing and was still talking on the phone! Handsfree but the data indicates that is just not a substantial improvement over using the handset:

Drivers engaged in cell phone conversations look out the windshield but fail to see up to 50 percent of the driving environment, missing important driving clues critical to safety, such as red lights, stop signs, pedestrians and other vehicles.

Why don’t hands-free devices offer any safety benefit while driving?
Hands-free devices do not eliminate cognitive distraction. Hands-free devices are often seen as a solution to the risks of driver distraction because they help eliminate two obvious risks—visual and manual. Most people can recognize when they are visually or mechanically distracted and seek to disengage from these activities as quickly as possible. However, people typically do not realize when they are cognitively distracted; therefore, the risk lasts much, much longer.

We went for a walk in the snow, had dinner at Cantina Loco, made snow angels, discussed the right kind of snow for good snowballs, and checked out Days Park. These are her pix (obvs, i took the ones of her making snow angels).


Snow with flash

Thursday was mostly a snow day. We both worked a little bit, walked to Cafe Taza then to the office. By the time we headed back to my house, Nisha was all tuckered out. Worked some more, then I took a nap. As I woke up, I realized she was out clearing our vehicles for Thursday street side shift. So I went out and helped her and we moved both in time for the 6pm shift. She needed stuff from Walgreens and I wanted more beer, so she got to try driving in it. Again, all the random stuff that you grew up knowing about snow... can you articulate it in a way that's comprehensible?

Brena & Nisha @ Taza

Digging out the briefcase

Nisha @ office today. She didn't like it. First, it was too warm, then there were all these people i wouldn't let her go talk to.
tinypliny - 03/06/13 13:29
Aha, wonder how I missed this series of photos! Nice. :)
libertad - 01/03/13 13:26
Diane was a lot of fun, she really didn't want that breathalizer though! Glad she is enjoying the snow.
metalpeter - 12/29/12 19:53
I like the snow pictures....

12/25/2012 20:47 #57055

Category: weather
"Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand—and melting like a snowflake..." Francis Bacon

Gorgeous photos of snowflakes

A whole site devoted to the science of snowflakes. Even taxonomies of snowflakes!

12/25/2012 12:30 #57045

Music in my truck
Category: holiday

Santa installed a new stereo in my truck last night. I've been without one for over 6 months.
