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12/08/2012 17:59 #56971

Karples Market
Category: photos
So two quick things

Thank You LLoyd's cause they are how I found out about this cool event, Also nice to see you (e:MrMike) ... There was some really cool stuff those who get out to either of the Art Festivals would see some stuff you've seen before like the Robots Had to get 2 Shirts and Then those little monster things those are cool I just don't have an area for them to sit on or even for a tree for the cool ornaments also someone had some great skull ones also... I didn't take pictures of anyone's artwork... That being said some photos are from elmwood here they are....


Then Inside Yes the light is a little funky turns out better to not use the flash kinda odd but.....


As Much as I love Lloyd's I haven't had Amy's Yet so I tried their Wet Shoes it was good ......


12/06/2012 18:14 #56959

Buffalo News Story and my take on tagging
Category: art
So I've never lived in NYC, LA, Toronto or a major city but to me Murals at least are part of living in the city... Or maybe just when I was a kid growing up poor there where a couple famous ones on The "West Side" (IN LA Voice) .. The Buffalo News has a story about a Movie that they had at a Gallery and I guess some Taggers are upset about it...

When I went to share the movie it gave me link and so copy pasted it not sure where it takes you ....

You might need an account to the service to see It?

The Link to the Buffalo News Article

Now the next thing I'm doing did Is doing the copy and Paste thing and then put it in " " cause last time the box thing didn't work ... My mother pays for the Sunday Paper someone at work gets it every day so....

'Nickel City Vandals' stirs controversy on Buffalo's graffiti scene
December 6, 2012 - 2:09 PM

Nickel City Vandals from Aaron Ferguson on Vimeo.

Last night, I stopped by Daddy's Garage (a sweet new graffiti gallery and shop on West Ferry Street) for a packed screening of Aaron Ferguson's new film "Nickel City Vandals." which Ferguson was kind enough to let us embed above.

(I had to miss this panel on the future of culture in Western New York at Daemen College in order to attend the screening. But this look at a small subsection of Buffalo's active street culture that's just beginning to inch out from the underground turned out to be well worth it.)

The documentary project, completed as a part of Ferguson's studies as an MFA student at the University at Buffalo, considered this moment on Buffalo's graffiti scene. The filmmaker and many of his subjects -- including the hilarious and insightful legit graffiti artist known as Brakes as well as Sam Lunetta, director of the city's anti-graffiti task force -- painted a picture of a graffiti scene in a kind of holding pattern. The scene lacks the artistic sophistication of some years ago, the film suggested, but was beginning once again to pick up steam as a crop of new graffiti artists with unique styles beginning to rise through the ranks.

But not everyone agrees with Ferguson's portrayal of the Buffalo scene. At the screening, which drew a large, diverse and curious crowd, representatives of the hard-core BF (or Buffalo's Finest) graffiti crew handed out a strongly worded statement calling the film's integrity into question. Below is a scan of the letter, which was handed to me in an envelope by a very serious-looking girl after the screening ended. At the bottom of the sheet is a graphic representing legendary Buffalo graffiti artists known by the tags "ATAK" and "HERT." The latter of these has been claimed by Buffalo-born Ian Deeber, a graffiti world cause célèbre who pleaded guilty to graffiti charges in Pittsburgh and was sentenced to prison in 2010.

The distribution of the flyer created a bit of a stir at the screening, but the filmmaker and the subjects in attendance seemed relatively nonplussed. "The graffiti scene can get wild sometimes with others trying to hate on and degrade people who are trying to do positive things for the community," Brakes wrote after the screening.

Controversy and all, the night seemed to both signal and encourage a new and broader appreciation for graffiti, as has the recent mural tribute to the late Spain Rodriguez painted near Buffalo's Central Terminal. We're entering a new era when it comes to how the public views street art and graffiti -- whether legal or illegal. And from where I'm standing, films like "Nickel City Vandals," which will always raise the ire of underground artists who would prefer to remain so, are a welcome addition to the city's broader culture.

--Colin Dabkowski

So my take is kinda this I've gone past the trains and them past me more times then I can count (Work near the tracks so)... I've seen the out line bubble letters and some bad tagging in my hood just hand written names that sorry isn't art... The stuff on the trains is... Of course there are different styles (People who type would call them Fonts) so with shadows some with pictures.. I saw one that was amazing (Wish I had my camera) where the person as part of their name had bricks it was really cool... Of course everyone has a different version of art.... I can see why if I had a nice building and someone tagged it I would be pissed... But Again there is another movement that they just touched on that to me is different and that is Street Art... Some of that is really amazing... They didn't show it directly they showed pictures of it in a gallery.... Maybe if I get my papers together when it gets warm I can go to like Toronto and look for some and try to get photos and not get killed... Cause I know I'm not treking around not only bad areas but some of them are with a camera to take photos....

Again comments by those who know much more about this then me would be very nice.......
metalpeter - 12/08/12 20:11
I don't know you think I'd remember that..... I wonder what his take was... If I didn't make it clear a name on a wall isn't art.. But Bubble or what ever font one uses is... Now it can be art and a crime ... Now that I think about it you might be right... Maybe I just like it cause I would watch those Action Sports and Skateboarding that is part of those shows often take place is closed places and tagged areas.... I think Allen is the perfect area for it but I guess I get why a place of Business gets up set ... Wonder if I ever I think I did post photos from that building on Elmwood that got people all upset.....
paul - 12/08/12 19:59
Supposed to read, death threatend
paul - 12/08/12 19:59
Didnt (e:libertad) wrote about this before and get threated?

12/04/2012 19:42 #56955

The Low Price of Wal-mart?
Category: money
1. This Is a blog I've been meaning to write for a bit of time so sorry if it isn't what it should be... I'm sure no one will agree with me and that is fine... this isn't face book so you are allowed to tell me so (If anyone who read this one read the last one)

2. I honestly am not sure how much I can say with out getting into trouble or at least where the possibility of that starts or If I'm even high enough in the food chain for that to be an issue.. So I will say this.. Where i work we send product to many places Target, CVS and so on and so forth including Wal-Mart... No I'm not a pro writer but Need to toss that out there so anyone reading this or anyone whom you never know could share this knows....

There was a time when I thought Wal-Mart was evil and they may have done some bad things... But that isn't what this blog is about really Again this is a blog not a research paper or a piece that is running in the news in some form.. But I Like Wal-Mart and I do shop there... But also after work it is quicker to get to them then to Target and I can get home quicker also....

---Kinda a tangent but... The Reason I thought Wal-Mart was Evil is that they would show up in some small town. Then in these towns local places couldn't compete and they would close. Hey why go buy food then go buy wood then plants when you can get everything you need in one place..Not a new Idea Sears did this a long time ago... But see it isn't Wal-Mart's fault that people in town also think about prices and go there instead of the local flower shop or local record store... Price is a huge factor in where people buy stuff some times it is a choice and sometimes not... As a quick example that is why people go to Pricerite and not Wegman's ....

BLACKFRIDAY! Oh no we are all going to die Or get 3 TVs for the price of one depending on what facebook status you believe .... This is what got this post inspired was posts I saw after that... Now hey if after thanksgiving instead of sleeping or watching football you want to go get that huge Wal-Mart tv or what ever fine.... But posts (Something in the news i missed also) about low wages at Wal-Mart .. I didn't share them cause guess what I'm for them ...

Yes I support Low Wages for Wal-Mart workers... Again this is were research would be great to have the numbers to compare but would it be a blog any more? Target Doesn't have Lay-a-way and Wal-Mart does there is a reason for that... If you have the money to shop at Target you don't need lay-a-way (Or atleast during christmas not sure about all year like K-mart did)... So I'm saying Target it costs more or at least appears to at Target then at Wal-Mart and that is ok...

Yes some people just go where they think things are the cheapest.. But I believe that most people who go to Wal-Mart have to cause they don't have enough money to get stuff at Target or other high end places in the mall..

Now every business has a profit margin.. Now if Wal-Mart just went up and raised the starting wages of every worker and brought everyone else up accordingly since they would be paying out more money in wages they have to make that up someplace.. Now yes they could be nice with all the money they make and still have killer profits just not as killer .... But there are people who make money off of how much profit they make so.. The Natural thing to do is raise prices on everything.. Now what happens to the person who shops there for say food .... What bill don't they pay... Do they not do Christmas this year... Go Hungry ?

Now Granted there might be some places where there is only Wal-Mart and not Target so I'm not talking about those places... If you are a stock boy or Cashier or even management and you could pick a place to work Where would be better Target or some high end Retail place or Wal-Mart I doubt it is Wal-Mart .... Now I have no idea how they decide whom gets a job... But if it is true that places pay higher then those jobs must be tougher to get or should hold one to a higher standard .... The Wal-Mart near where I work is Near the Galleria Mall and Target also... So I'm contending that the people who work there couldn't get a job at Target so it is good they have a job if not for Wal-Mart they wouldn't .........

As an Example I've been to a few Targets and you all ways see people working and me at least (They think I'm a cowboy who is going to steal I guess... What never heard of a Metal band or watched Wrestling :) )They even come up and ask if you need help... But all wal-mart the people are talking to each other and you have to find someone one and half the shit has Keys so if you want to buy a memory card you have to get every thing else first... Yes Wal-Mart is aimed at the poor and that is ok....

Example 2: Back in my old days before the (e:strip) I was a stock boy at what is now 7-Eleven when we where owned by tops... Yeah you do pay for things being a block away from your house and short lines... But again back then Wegman's was the Premium Brand.. Think the non management route after about 2 years there you still made less then to start at Wegman's ... I loved most of the people I worked with they where great.. Now granted that and a Grocery Store is different but a few people tried and Never got hired there... One Manger did but he got an entire section and it was a bit over his head even for the more money so think he came back... Great guy buy the way... Wonder how that crazy mother fucker is doing... Yeah I admit I wonder how a bunch of those people are .. No facebook back then... Ah good times man.... But it goes to the same point the high end places some people just can't work there...

So I think I kinda made my point that if Wal-Mart paid people more.. some of the people who work there wouldn't have a job there.... And with prices up what would people do who can't shop any place else go what would they do.............................
metalpeter - 12/05/12 23:33
Now the fire was very tragic and yes Wal-Mart could have increased there costs.. But again at the end of the day what that would cause them to do is Raise Prices.. For Some not a big deal... But for others not so much... Now if these Unions care so much about workers go help the workers in other countries and drive up the price of making goods there... In terms of the "Factories" if one can even call them that... 2 questions to ask one self. If wal-mart didn't buy clothes from them then would they be making clothes.. If one says yes then how would they make any more money... If the answer is no then those people wouldn't have a job at all....

The Ugly Truth is there are different Economies in this country... The other ugly truth that doesn't tie in we are kinda a socialist country ... Or we should be more... We have poor and very poor.. Of course the middle class and yes there is over lap and rich and wealthy ... Where one ends and one begins who knows... But it is ok to be poor and live the poor life ... Insurance works cause most people aren't sick or don't burn the house down or arn't sick.. People who get HEAP, Foodstamps or other help is because people who make more money are supposed to pay more in tax... I love that if you work 20hrs at Wegmans you get Health care... But unless you are getting things on sale you have to pay more... Of course they claim they aren't more then tops... Same thing is true with Wal-mart but the other way need to keep things cheap so people can buy stuff.... I'm lucky I don't live on Elmwood or Richmond I could never do anything cause I would have no $ So I can shop on the cheap or where I prefer mostly... I'd have to shop at Pricerite and Wal-Mart if I had a car or get 2nd job.... So thanks....
lilho - 12/05/12 18:35
Thanks for the additions (e:) yesthatcasey ... I will check out that article tonight. :) You made excellent points as well...
lilho - 12/05/12 18:33
(e:yesthatcasey) I was thinking about Costco as well after I commented. They also operate in a warehouse type environment and keep low prices but their workers are actually paid a decent salary and offer benefits their employees can afford. Unless you are a fan of social, human, and economic injustice, you should not be a fan of Wal-Mart.
YesThatCasey - 12/05/12 17:33
And on top of ((e:lilho))'s excellent points, there was recent attention on Costco that provided a stark demonstration of a sustainable model versus the Walmart model.
YesThatCasey - 12/05/12 17:30
Aside from all of the data out there that shows how poorly Walmart workers are paid (each store results in approximately $400,000 federal & state dollars per year to make up the horrible wages that they pay and the lack of benefits), or how much money is funneled out of the local economy ($1,200,000 per store, annually), and the aggressive tactics they use to prevent unionization (which the majority of their workers want), there are also regular stories like this that deal with their even more dispicable partnerships that are less well-known:


Yep, in the short term, you can save a few pennies on the dollar by shopping at Walmart. But, in the long term, your purchases are responsible for enabling the horrible working and living conditions that those employees face, and the reckless, selfish practices that result in real world tragedies.
metalpeter - 12/05/12 10:24
Yeah I admit their execs Live a very very nice life... And Yeah I do think they could Raise what they pay workers... I would love it if they had a lower level of profit but... The reason that people shop at Wal-Mart is because they are cheap. Well that is one reason ... Of course buying power has something to do with that also... Some food they and I think Target as well shockingly is cheaper then at tops... I'm sure some food costs more... I see this same thing where I work that the company In the past gives us a raise once a year .. They will spend all kinds of money on all kinds of things before us... But once someones pay goes up it can't go back down and that employee can leave the company for another job at any time so investing money back into the company is a better idea.... So I don't really see any companies would raise what people make... Cause then to make the same amount of money you have either cut something or raise prices but then at some point people buy less you make less....

Now that being said though... What I don't like is how companies measure profits... They don't look at ok here is how much profit we made.. They look at it as how much did our profit increase ... As odd as it sounds and kinda creepy they measure the growth ...

Now I can't talk about Wal-Mart in other towns and maybe I just go to the "Ghetto" "Black" Wal-Mart as they call it and I've heard people stay away from it because of that ... Yes the Photo lady is great But other then her they all seem a step down from people who work at target... Now maybe the fact that target is more fancy and looks pretty and has nicer uniforms and is aimed at a higher income customers does factor into that.... You may have a point... I just don't see how anyone who ( when they are able to get to both places ) would work at Wal-Mart if they could at Target.. Now maybe other places aren't hiring but I would think in most cases one couldn't get a job at Target as an example...

That Being said I did just think about something.... I Think I may be a little Biased... I think I may hold Target Workers above Wal-Mart workers Since It just dawned on me an (e:Peep) worked there, And Someone else (not getting along right now) I hold in high regard works there and I've kinda known a few others who work there..... And Just had another thought maybe some people do prefer Wal-Mart cause it is there kinda people... What I mean is ... They Fit in... Cause this is how I kinda felt a bit with Canisius Yeah granted great school and a lot of great people... But also after a couple years in it was like ... I"m here and these people are up there... That doesn't mean they where bad ... But It is kinda like how I wouldn't shop Lord & Taylors or how I wish I had money to walk into brookstone or what ever........

Now that being said I do want to look more into the health Care thing.... The only thing is most places do the you have to work Full time to get Benefits and then only Management is full time... Yes some people will work like 35-38 hours but aren't full time so....

So guess I'll do a little Wegman's Ad.... When I worked at Wilson Farms I loved that they where in the top 100 employers every year. I love that store... But all that nice stuff has to be paid for with higher prices... hence why I go to pricerite hey I'm kinda poor sometimes... There was no way I could get hired there... Plus getting there would be tougher .... I would love to go there every week and just buy what I want... Do I like going to pricerite um not really.. Yes they do a lot of things that save on cost like no shelves and pallets full of stuff so it isn't handled twice... And I'm guessing that lower pay for workers... Good keep it low I want to buy my food cheaply ......
lilho - 12/05/12 08:31
Your theory is actually completely off ad you should do more research before coming to conclusions. The level at which Wal-Mart exploits humans is on a global scale. To say that people who worn for them can't find work elsewhere is also a fallacy. By no means does target hire "more intelligent" people. People that work for Wal-Mart I'm sure could find worn elsewhere, but many people do not realize their professional self worth and accept or keep jobs they are over qualified for because they lack an education. Or understanding of how to job search, write resumes, and interview.

Wal-Mart consistently exploits the poor, women, and those in third world countries all while their top execs fly around on their private jet fleet. They could most certainly afford to pay their employees more and offer reasonably priced healthcare benefits rather than suggesting their employees accept Medicaid and public assistance.

Companies like Trader Joes keep prices low and pay their employees decently... Hmmmmm. Lots of other companies do it as well. I will never set foot in a Wal-Mart again, have only been there a few times. Also pretty sure I will speak out when I find that anyone shops there.

12/01/2012 10:46 #56946

Facebook = Conformity ?
Category: internet
1. I admit writing a blog about facebook is kinda lame
2. All things (stole from Tony I think the term) The book of Face aren't bad
3. Been meaning to write this for like a week so it might be a little weak and not how I really want it to read

Yeah I can admit that I have found a little bit of Drama over there... Maybe I'm just use to the blog Style where ... You get to see others points of view and think about your own and not saying change but think about it another way or at least gain some knowledge ....Oh but on facebook forget about that.....I recently got into it with someone whom I thought was a friend what ever that is whom requested me and is now deleting people ... Why so angry cause I don't agree with that ? and try to hold you to a high standard .....

But see that is the thing with facebook is we all state our opinion in many ways some times those funny cards and there is what happens... People who agree we can like or we can share... And then when we share everyone else sees and people who agree share.. So what happens is we whom ever does that sharing the same idea so We have a little group of Conformity ? Now to disagree with ones ideas oh no on facebook you can't do that... People yell and tell you to stay out of it and it really ugly really fast and people want to delete you and all kinds of stuff ... Ok maybe over doing it a bit but that is the attitude .... This happens with music as well see a band and share the video and next thing you know all the friends who like that band like that it and you have another little circle of people who like the same thing....

The fact is that yes people can like and share what ever they want and be friends with whom they want... There are a lot of great things one can do on facebook but that isn't what I'm writing about... There is one of those little pictures that says something along the lines of it is my wall if you don't like it delete... Yes it is good to say that I post what I want if you don't like it or are offended it is easy don't report me just delete me.... But the under current is what bothers me... It implies that they only want to state their opinion and that your is unwanted at least if it is different .. If you conform to their ideas then great if not don't say anything ..........

TheNote: Yes on facebook if you are going to make something longer then a status update they have a note... Aka a blog ? Yes You can tag people in it but I think only once it is written in other words I can't write about cats and then Tag Say (e:TheeCarey) in one part and then ask someone else something in another part.... They just show up as part of the note.... But see it isn't right on the front page every where you go (some might say it is a programming thing but I don't buy it) You have all ways had to use a few clicks to get there.... And I think again cause facebook wants things to be shared and talked about that people agree on....

TheLikeButton: Of course you can post comments and still disagree but the like button tells everyone you agree with something and also now shares it before it went to like a little pop up if someone was on screen and they could find it... Now unless settings are changed you see what people like... Now I think this ties right into ads... Pepsi posts a nice ad and or coke and I like those cute little bears that if they could would rip you to pieces and let the penguins eat what ever is left..HA You hit like and everyone sees it...

>TheDislikeButton: That is correct there isn't one . This yells to me that you have to agree.. But what it really does is if you don't like something you just don't hit like instead of saying you don't like it... This helps the circle of people who agree on something to form again... Now I get that they don't want (I assume this is one of the reasons) people to dislike sponsors and ads and that kind of things like movies cause it could cause people (Yes Companies are legally people now aka Citizens United even though I don't completely understand) to not be part of facebook and not bring their movie clips and stuff.... The wanting for a Dislike got so bad that there was company that through Firefox gave you a dislike button.. If you disliked it , no one saw it other then the person who posted the thing they posted if they used firefox it might have even been a hack...

I just think that Facebook isn't set up for decent yes it can be used that way.. It is so that people can share interests that they share and that is fine.. But there is also a side of we are all going to agree and if you don't agree well fuck you... Oh yeah and don't tell me either...

Just read it and I guess I said what I wanted to say kinda of course over the time when I wanted to get here and really couldn't it has faded a little bit but......... Maybe I'll get some comments.... And maybe it made sense ?

11/21/2012 16:54 #56915

Small Shop Saturday ?
Category: advertising
So Friday and now Thursday is Black Friday ( in metal voice it really sounds cool :P ) . Now I think Saturday is some thing that is supposed to be small businesses ... Oh yeah and then there is also cyber Monday..

Now I don't know if this is the same Holiday but at one point it was started by American Express if they have gotten their name off of it that might be better then advertising it not sure not how wise or how much the public knows.. Yes it is good to go to small places and support them if they have a product someone wants or could use... But there is also an angle and that is what I will get into.....

There are places where you can use credit and debit cards and some places where you can't that is why if you are going to the bar tonight take cash. Nietches as an example doesn't take plastic .. Now they may have there own reasons in terms of how they want to do Business[like the clients don't like it, or they don't want to have pens at the bar?] for there are also business reasons....

In the past it was common for place to take only Visa and or matercard .. Now in terms of credit cards they charge interest when you don't pay it and that is how they make money.. But these came companies have debit cards. and they get a small % of the sales from the store charged to the card... So places have to decide do they want to take a slight cut so people can pay with these cards cause some people that is all they will use... When I had a discover card so many places didn't take it.. I think part of it was people didn't really know them.. Again they worked a little different they didn't use the master card and then say a bank and not sure what the percentage was... But this brings up American Express ... Yes I used to have one it was a pretty blue card it really was...

I don't know what the rates are now.. But back when I had a credit card the % that American Express got if you used their card someplace was a higher rate then the other two... If you except that card you had to give them that rate and a lot of stores it wasn't worth it... So if that was your card you where out of luck.....

So when I first heard about this Movement that was started by American Express or at least their name on it... It seemed like an angle here is a way to get into small shops who often won't take our card cause we take to much from them... Again though I'm not sure but seems like an angle to me.. Maybe the only small shops that get pushed when one looks deeper take their card?