1. This Is a blog I've been meaning to write for a bit of time so sorry if it isn't what it should be... I'm sure no one will agree with me and that is fine... this isn't face book so you are allowed to tell me so (If anyone who read this one read the last one)
2. I honestly am not sure how much I can say with out getting into trouble or at least where the possibility of that starts or If I'm even high enough in the food chain for that to be an issue.. So I will say this.. Where i work we send product to many places Target, CVS and so on and so forth including Wal-Mart... No I'm not a pro writer but Need to toss that out there so anyone reading this or anyone whom you never know could share this knows....
There was a time when I thought Wal-Mart was evil and they may have done some bad things... But that isn't what this blog is about really Again this is a blog not a research paper or a piece that is running in the news in some form.. But I Like Wal-Mart and I do shop there... But also after work it is quicker to get to them then to Target and I can get home quicker also....
---Kinda a tangent but... The Reason I thought Wal-Mart was Evil is that they would show up in some small town. Then in these towns local places couldn't compete and they would close. Hey why go buy food then go buy wood then plants when you can get everything you need in one place..Not a new Idea Sears did this a long time ago... But see it isn't Wal-Mart's fault that people in town also think about prices and go there instead of the local flower shop or local record store... Price is a huge factor in where people buy stuff some times it is a choice and sometimes not... As a quick example that is why people go to Pricerite and not Wegman's ....
BLACKFRIDAY! Oh no we are all going to die Or get 3 TVs for the price of one depending on what facebook status you believe .... This is what got this post inspired was posts I saw after that... Now hey if after thanksgiving instead of sleeping or watching football you want to go get that huge Wal-Mart tv or what ever fine.... But posts (Something in the news i missed also) about low wages at Wal-Mart .. I didn't share them cause guess what I'm for them ...
Yes I support Low Wages for Wal-Mart workers... Again this is were research would be great to have the numbers to compare but would it be a blog any more? Target Doesn't have Lay-a-way and Wal-Mart does there is a reason for that... If you have the money to shop at Target you don't need lay-a-way (Or atleast during christmas not sure about all year like K-mart did)... So I'm saying Target it costs more or at least appears to at Target then at Wal-Mart and that is ok...
Yes some people just go where they think things are the cheapest.. But I believe that most people who go to Wal-Mart have to cause they don't have enough money to get stuff at Target or other high end places in the mall..
Now every business has a profit margin.. Now if Wal-Mart just went up and raised the starting wages of every worker and brought everyone else up accordingly since they would be paying out more money in wages they have to make that up someplace.. Now yes they could be nice with all the money they make and still have killer profits just not as killer .... But there are people who make money off of how much profit they make so.. The Natural thing to do is raise prices on everything.. Now what happens to the person who shops there for say food .... What bill don't they pay... Do they not do Christmas this year... Go Hungry ?
Now Granted there might be some places where there is only Wal-Mart and not Target so I'm not talking about those places... If you are a stock boy or Cashier or even management and you could pick a place to work Where would be better Target or some high end Retail place or Wal-Mart I doubt it is Wal-Mart .... Now I have no idea how they decide whom gets a job... But if it is true that places pay higher then those jobs must be tougher to get or should hold one to a higher standard .... The Wal-Mart near where I work is Near the Galleria Mall and Target also... So I'm contending that the people who work there couldn't get a job at Target so it is good they have a job if not for Wal-Mart they wouldn't .........
As an Example I've been to a few Targets and you all ways see people working and me at least (They think I'm a cowboy who is going to steal I guess... What never heard of a Metal band or watched Wrestling :) )They even come up and ask if you need help... But all wal-mart the people are talking to each other and you have to find someone one and half the shit has Keys so if you want to buy a memory card you have to get every thing else first... Yes Wal-Mart is aimed at the poor and that is ok....
Example 2: Back in my old days before the
(e:strip) I was a stock boy at what is now 7-Eleven when we where owned by tops... Yeah you do pay for things being a block away from your house and short lines... But again back then Wegman's was the Premium Brand.. Think the non management route after about 2 years there you still made less then to start at Wegman's ... I loved most of the people I worked with they where great.. Now granted that and a Grocery Store is different but a few people tried and Never got hired there... One Manger did but he got an entire section and it was a bit over his head even for the more money so think he came back... Great guy buy the way... Wonder how that crazy mother fucker is doing... Yeah I admit I wonder how a bunch of those people are .. No facebook back then... Ah good times man.... But it goes to the same point the high end places some people just can't work there...
So I think I kinda made my point that if Wal-Mart paid people more.. some of the people who work there wouldn't have a job there.... And with prices up what would people do who can't shop any place else go what would they do.............................
Thank You... I haven't tried the frosted cookies yet sure they will be good...
Happy Birthday, Merry Christmas - those cookies look so good.