I finally received my galaxy note 2 this weekend. It definately feels l I ke the future. The device is unbelieably fast. In fact it takes pictures instantaneously.
I seriously can't imagine having an iphone in comparison and its not like I don't have ios experience. I had 3 iphones and and ipad 3 with ios six.
The navigation voice on this thing is totally amazing. It actually sounds like a real person versus siri or the previous android navigation voice. It is literally the best TTS engine I have ever heard. Better than the AT&T naturally clear voices.
The only weird thing is the lack of a deducated search button and the fact that the home button is a physical button. Personally I prefer all capacitive buttons as the last physical home button I had on the iphone broke. I can't understand why they would remove the search button on a device that is so driven by search.
Here is the best overall review of the phone I have seen
It also was my first experience with jellybean

All around an excellent experience.
I hope this person on FB yesterday wasn't talking about you and Terry! "I hate when you walk by a restaurant and they've seated 2 really unattractive people in the window".
Actually I really want to go here now but I hate eating where outside people can see me.