At least I hope so. Its finally up for sale and the realtor seems to think it will go quick. I am ready to close that part of my life. The lawn got so long that snakes started growing in it. There were two of them. I thought the first one was tiny but then (e:terry) found the tiniest baby one.
Its so crazy because for years the grass would never grow because it was mowed too much and became a muddy weedy mess. Now its thick and when it was cut it actually looked good.
10/15/2012 19:04 #56830
Outer Harbor - Dug's Dive now open year round. Category: biking
As (e:terry,56828) mentioned we hit up the outer harbor yesterday during the brief beautiful weather period. I had never been out to the lighthouse before. Reading all of the historical pkacard s was interesting. Seems like the area had a very crazy past as the water tore through just about everything they built to protect the city from water.
It was cool to see Dug's dive is now open year round.
metalpeter - 10/17/12 16:54 I've never been to either....I just hope they get enough people during the winter...
10/15/2012 19:00 #56829
Scruffy Beard Category: haircut
My beard is getting out of control again.
metalpeter - 10/17/12 16:53 Didn't think of that but that is so true... I tried to grow a beard but it didn't grow in right really not really but kinda zz top..... not sure work wise what the standards are but to grow it might be cool....
ladycroft - 10/17/12 10:23 With a different hat you'd kind of look like a Rabbi.
10/14/2012 13:23 #56826
marrying a 14 year old Category: legal
I guess its legal in NYS. I was looking for marriage laws here and found this page
Its so weird that getting married requires a $40 license which is only good for days.
10/13/2012 22:48 #56824
Orchid Restaurant Kenmore Category: food
On the way back from the outlet mall, (e:mike), (e:libertad) and I had dinner at Orchid in Kenmore. The food was amazing, I would highly suggest a visit to anyone who like Japanese and Thai food. Our waitress was also super friendly and attentive.
mike - 10/14/12 10:53 those aren't picutres of even half of all the food we got. We ordered so much that the waitress actually said something like "are you sure? that is a lot of food already. Do you really need more?" But it was delicious
leetee - 10/14/12 02:25 (E:uncutsaniflush) and I love that place. Ate there a lot for lunch back when I was working in kenmore
I've never been to either....I just hope they get enough people during the winter...