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07/17/2012 16:18 #56622

Jake's Famous Crawfish - Dungeoness Crab Leg Sauté
Category: food
After a disastrous attempt at trying to get quality seafood at the Seafood Grotto (out of clams, shrimp, scallops) I ended up at Jakes Famous Crawfish. Hands down it was the best seafood meal I ever had in a restaurant.

I got the dungeoness crab leg sauté. It was pre-shelled crab legs with artichokes hearts and mushrooms. It came with plain rice and string beans. If you ever had my mother's artichoke heart and mushroom dish, it was just like that with a ton of crab legs on top. It is exactly all the things I love in one. They might as well call it the Paul Visco.

metalpeter - 07/18/12 17:00
@(e:tinypliny) ok yeah I remember that one but not what happened in the show...
mike - 07/17/12 23:40
glad you found good food on your trip...i hope you also were able to find shoes and dental floss!
paul - 07/17/12 19:28
Oh course it is not Cilantro, that would have been disgusting - it's parsley.
tinypliny - 07/17/12 19:23
The truth is not out there.
metalpeter - 07/17/12 17:47
@Tinypliny assuming you have time to come back online like the Bart Simpson Avatar what is he writing on the board.....
tinypliny - 07/17/12 16:33
Gasp. Is that cilantro I see next to the rice? Are you alive still?

07/16/2012 21:54 #56620

OSCON Sausage Fest
Category: oscon
Wow nothing says how much opensource is driven by men than a conference for open source attended predominently by men. I wonder if this holds true for all computer technology. I kind of thought it was a myth because we have a bunch of women at my work. Maybe men are more likely to attend a conference? It would be interesting to see some stats. I suppose github could answer that.

The conference was pretty good today. I attended the git session taught by the guys from git. Unfortunately the whole first half was old hat but there was some new stuff. Those guys put on such a great talk.

The afternoon I was going to attend the erlang session but at lunch they had the tables divided up by "tribe" and I met another PHP guy who convinced me to go to see the "Integrating PHPunit with Jenkins" using ANT, etc session. The session was taught by the creator of phpunit himself. I took a lot out of that session that I think I can bring back to work in a useful way for all teams, not just PHP.

The most enlightening moment was when the speaker suggested using yum, the RPM package manager to do server deployment. Not sure why I hadn't thought of that before.

The lunch itself was quite delicious. Though I forgot to take a pic ;( Now I am bored. I am so bad at socializing and I was one of the more social at my table. For a few minutes no one said anything.


metalpeter - 07/17/12 17:44
I admit over my head just a bit and this is going to sound sexist and It kinda is but I think that there might be a lot of truth to it as well...

There is the Society side: Aka How people are brought up and gender roles and alll that: Computers are science and that is still thought of as a man thing.. Or if you are a chick and you are hot it isn't that you are really into it, it is that you are into geeks....

Now some science: Would say that men (again though society above and gender roles do play into this sum girls are given barbies not instructions on how to fix her car) minds are better with science and math and girls brains it is more history or social studies and reading.. So it would make sense that less women would be in computers...

But based on (e:Heidi)'s comment it sounds like the ones whom would be good at a conference like this want nothing to do with the boys who are there.. I wonder if there is also a kind of learn and play thing going on... and also for people with families a way to escape them... Mom say would miss the family or the boyfriend... The boyfriend "Oh no one to nag me about the trash" Ha...

In any event before I get tons of hate mail nice picture enjoy and learn and make contacts and network and all that kind of stuff.....
heidi - 07/17/12 01:04
I mentioned to a nerdy friend that you were going to OSCON. She said, "i see 4 days of 1000 unwashed dork dudes in a hotel coming up with action items to better promote linux, burning copies of Red Hat in effigy, whining that there are no good Haskell jobs out there, and being generally hostile and offensive to the 10 chick programmers that showed up, all while wearing "witty" teeshirts and stroking their beards"

You seem to have confirmed this. ;-)

07/16/2012 00:32 #56617

Two beds and a grilled artichoke
Category: portland
Seems like a good start to the trip. I tried to go to dinner at Hamburger Mary's but as I was waiting for a table I heard them calling bingo numbers and decided I wasnt ready for that so I left.

The homeless population here is so confusing. Many of them seem to be opt-in teens and 20 somethings.

The conference schedule runs from 9am till like 9pm. Let's hope I have both the stamina and battery power for that. I only brought the MacBook air and I still haven't really tested out its battery at all.



metalpeter - 07/17/12 17:30
They and the homeless just dress the same...HA... Kidding... Seriously I don't get many things and the homeless is one of them... I would think in a place like NYC, Buffalo, and Chicago or any place here.. !st idea get money go hungry and get on bus to someplace where being homeless isn't cold... But hey that is just me... Enjoy the trip....

07/15/2012 14:52 #56615

Strange Evening At The Funky Monkey
Category: bars
That place is just too damn bright.

Their very nice and slippery dance floor makes up for it partially.

For years I would just drink vodka and tonic water but I am tired of tonic. My new favorite drink is absolut flavored vodkas and water as the mixer. Of all of them, my favorite so far, is either the Ruby red or the citron. Haven't tried pear yet and the peach was not as good as the citrus ones.

Terry's new favorite flavor is vanilla.

Mike has turned getting ill into a near Olympic sport.

I ate a hot dog with nacho cheese from a street vendor.

Wish me luck on my next plane flight. The one I just got off of was pretty turbulent.





07/14/2012 15:05 #56612

Mormon Pagaent - Hill Cummorah
Category: religion
We traveled on down to Palmyra in order to see the Mormon pagaent about their religions back story. As a total athiest this was still interesting just to see. If nothing else Mormons are amazing organizers and performers.




It was so weird to see all the same Christian protesters that protest at gay pride, Thursday in the square, etc. Its especially weird because despite a few key strangenesses, the mormons still believe in God and Jesus and the teaching of Jesus including compassion, love, etc. It was unbelievable to hear the one old protestor guy screaming about such insignificant differences like which city was Jesus born in (Jeruselem or Bethlehem.) Especially when there are groups with more fundamental differences like not believing in Jesus altogether. It makes me think the real issue is fighting over sheep and who can have the most. Nothing about the way these people act reminds me of the teachings of Jesus.

In general mormons seem like a friendly bunch of people. Not that I want to be one or that I believe in their nonsense, it just seems like they are not as bad as the evangelicals I am constantly exposed to in public settings. At the same time they still have that gay hate thing going on.
metalpeter - 07/15/12 10:09
Now my sort of funny comment is... I'm still not sure those guys are protesters I mean I think they are a bit and there are things they hate... But I think it is more about spreading the word... Reason I say that is if there was a public orgy on a cross and 3 people where there you wouldn't see them.... But onto the interesting part what would the guys say if you came at them with something like this... "Mit is a mormon and Barack loves the gays and might be Muslim who you voting for" you know try to bait them and see what way their hate leans more :) .... I also wonder if they would just keep shouting :)
metalpeter - 07/15/12 10:05
I just have to toss out a question cause I'm not sure then after that I have a funny comment.... I love that "The Church Of Normal Day Saints" has all these ads about how to be a better person... Like how the ref screws them and after the game they help him with his car... I love that message I love the way they come out and say how to treat people.. Now I get that those are mormons but does being a mormon mean you are part of that church? It would be kinda like how you have baptists and southernbaptists or maybe it is more like how there are different kinds of Budhists or how different islaimic sects blow each other up and take americans with them... Reason I ask is the ads seem so different then oh yeah blacks are different then whites and oh yeah it is ok to have 5 wives well unless one is a guy.....