If you look carefully you see that the price is astronomically higher. The smaller pack was $4.99/lb. The larger pack was $3.99/lb. Surely the little styrofoam tray and plastic wrap can't be that expensive.
My feeling is that this is a scam for people that don't carefully pay attention as much as I do. You walk in, see the $1.99/lb sign. decide you want more than one bunch worth so you pick up a tray and bam - $3.00 extra dollars per pound. I think most people would have assumed the larger amount woukd be cheaper if anything. Its not like they had a sign saying $4.99/lb above those items.

The Snow when it feel did look nice.... Hope it is the last also... Lucky it wasn't wet and heavy like they said... This wacky weather I'm sure will effect the tree somehow just have no idea what or is that how...