Paul's Journal
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04/17/2012 21:00 #56363
Digging In deepCategory: pets
Yesterday, the weather went from high 70s to like 40 degrees in one day. I left the tortoises out the whole day because I think they think I am keeping them inside when its nice outside. (e:terry) thinks I am crazy for thinking that they think. B responsed by digging a burrough.

04/15/2012 12:17 #56360
Bird bird eats from terry's mouthCategory: pets
04/15/2012 12:10 #56359
Fixig Stuff - The Tail LightCategory: repair
(e:terry) and I repaired tthe vacuum and the car's taillight yesterday. I love the feeling of things being fixed.

04/14/2012 13:28 #56356
Dinner 2 @ Lucy EthiopianCategory: food
Last night after the Daniel Rogers
art show where I got this cool bird on brick...

...we went to Lucy Ethiopian at Grant and Amherst for (e:samathon86)'s birthday dinner. This was my second dinner for the evening, see (e:paul,56353), so I was not as hungry as usual but the food was delicious as always. We even dragged (e:tinypliny) out.

While there we met another person named Cathy that was her exact height. The two of them were to so animated together. It was fun to watch.

...we went to Lucy Ethiopian at Grant and Amherst for (e:samathon86)'s birthday dinner. This was my second dinner for the evening, see (e:paul,56353), so I was not as hungry as usual but the food was delicious as always. We even dragged (e:tinypliny) out.

While there we met another person named Cathy that was her exact height. The two of them were to so animated together. It was fun to watch.

04/13/2012 20:13 #56353
Sample on AllenCategory: food
(e:yesthatcasey) and I tried to go to Cantina Loco but it was too crowded. The bar was like six rows thick. So we left to walk to Cozumel which was not crowded enough. Then Mothers which was too crowded. Then Coulter Bay which was too crowded and I don't like the food. Then back to Cantina Loco which was even more crowded. Then off to Lagnapes but they don't have drinks. Then the pink stank too much.
So we ended up at Sample. I don't't know why I didn't ever make it there before. I now think it might be choice numbero uno. We had the beef poutine fries, scallops, and calamari. I forgot to take a pictures of the calamari with pickeled radishes but they made the cutest flower out of the radish slices.
For a drink I asked for a vodka tonic with St. Germaine. The bartender said he never heard of it but it was pretty tasty.
I would 110% go back. I can't wait to try the rest of the menu.

So we ended up at Sample. I don't't know why I didn't ever make it there before. I now think it might be choice numbero uno. We had the beef poutine fries, scallops, and calamari. I forgot to take a pictures of the calamari with pickeled radishes but they made the cutest flower out of the radish slices.
For a drink I asked for a vodka tonic with St. Germaine. The bartender said he never heard of it but it was pretty tasty.
I would 110% go back. I can't wait to try the rest of the menu.

metalpeter - 04/14/12 13:58
That is one of those places that I have had there food (Artfest I think outside) but never been to it.... I do want to try it some day.... From out side at night it looks like a dimly lite bar (I where my son glasses from the miller light ads).... that is fine and sure it is great... Just doesn't yell to me TASTY FOOD.... So gonna have to get past that and try it there.....
That is one of those places that I have had there food (Artfest I think outside) but never been to it.... I do want to try it some day.... From out side at night it looks like a dimly lite bar (I where my son glasses from the miller light ads).... that is fine and sure it is great... Just doesn't yell to me TASTY FOOD.... So gonna have to get past that and try it there.....
paul - 04/14/12 02:08
Oops sample - fixed. Staples doesn't even exist anymore.
Oops sample - fixed. Staples doesn't even exist anymore.
tinypliny - 04/14/12 00:42
I didn't know staples served food.
I didn't know staples served food.
heidi - 04/13/12 20:23
I really like Sample. It's creative, interesting food and outstanding cocktails. Limited veggie options but the ones they have are really yum. Honey lavender martinis :-)
I really like Sample. It's creative, interesting food and outstanding cocktails. Limited veggie options but the ones they have are really yum. Honey lavender martinis :-)
Bird bird eats poop from Terry's mouth!
Bird bird also eats her own poop.